Is there a hardcap on certain stats?
Was messing around with Rune of the Mesmer and Sigils of Palatalization today.
x6 runes says to give 33% duration increase. Now I know Daze is very short term so 33% may be hard to see. But honestly, I don’t even see it at all after all the times I tested it. When I use Tactical Strike on my Thief I see Daze on my target for 1s then fast blinks while 0s. Whether I have 6 Rune of the Mesmer or Sigil of Palatalization the amount of time my target has Daze on it looks exactly the same even with no duration increase runes/sigils.
edit: Actually isn’t Daze suppose to be .75 seconds? Even without those Runes or Sigils it’s over 1s long and the tool tip even says 1s. Something smells fishy?
(edited by Bohab.7825)
Since it’s been 3 days I allow myself a bump. Would be cool if someone from Anet could confirm/deny this in a quick reply. Thanks
Movement speed bonus is hardcapped on 33%. If you have several bonuses – only 1 (highest) is applied. So it is possible that there are other hardcaps as well.
movement IS capped at +33% but most skills allow duration to be stacked.
I too have noticed that condition damage and specific condition damage do not seem to stack and give the extended duration for both. 6 second burn with +50% condition damage and +50% burn damage = (should be 12 seconds or even 13.5 seconds) but its only 9 seconds.
Ever had someone time you when you use skills(with/without trait bonuses) , to when you can next use and actually activate the skill?. . . (or the timing of weapon skills on auto attack) . . . . . . . .its interesting