Is there a timeframe on action towards reported bots?

Is there a timeframe on action towards reported bots?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Iambeastx.6805



As per title.

Is there a timeframe on action towards reported bots?
Is there a timezone where action time takes longer than average (does it vary per server TZ)?
Is there a variance on action time with regard to reported number of bots by a single person in quick succession.

I’m pretty adamant about bot reporting when i see them, which considering the amount of Late EU TZ WvW and alt leveling i do, its regular enough.

This post comes after reporting near 7 bots in a 10 bot group (all right on top of each other and too aggressive to split check all names) and then seeing the same ones, in the same spot 2 hours later.

This is more a way to satisfy my ‘why aren’t they kicked yet’ thoughts than criticism.

All my life i wanted to be someone,
now i realise i should have been more specific.

Is there a timeframe on action towards reported bots?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Moderator.3406


Please see this thread regarding this issue.
The thread is closed.