This has to do with the human storylines “The Rescue,” “The Greater Good,” and “Breaking the Blade.” According to the GW2 wiki, depending on which of the first two story missions you chose, you would face a different veteran during Breaking the Blade. From what I’ve seen on the wiki, it is clear to me that if you beat The Greater Good, you’ll face Crusher Dan in BtB, whereas if you beat The Rescue, you’ll face Doc Howler. However, only beating The Rescue yields the correct result. If you beat The Greater Good, where Doc Howler gets arrested, you wind up facing Doc Howler anyway. As she is more powerful and more difficult to face alone than Crusher Dan, this needs to be remedied immediately. Therefore, Crusher Dan needs to appear in Breaking the Blade if The Greater Good is beaten. Please consider this in a future patch. Thank you for your consideration.