Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Isaac.6041


I am having an issue whispering other players. I get 5 to 30 minute delays on the whispers. Basically the whispers are all queued up and sent later. And sometimes by the time its ready to be sent, the player I tried to whisper is already offline. Other times, the whispers are sent instantly but it’s about 90% delayed whispers and the other 10% of the time my whispers actually are sent instantly.

Also, this only happens when I try to send messages to other players. Players that send me messages have no problem and I have no problems sending reply whispers only new whispers to players are affected.

I reported this bug 1 month ago in another thread

This issue happens everyday.

Most of the time when I try to whisper another player I get one to ten minute delays from the time I hit Enter to send the message.

The message is not echoed on the screen and received by the other player 1 to 10 minutes later.

Team Chat, Map Chat, Party Chat, and Guild chat are all echoed and seen by the other players immediately.

But whispers are almost always delayed. Sometimes it works perfectly but most of the time the whispers are delayed by minutes.

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: SilentOption.6874


when are you guys going to fix this. Right now two of my friends who I invite to a party all have a shadow icon and I don’t even see them when their standing right in front of me. And they can’t see me either. Also there no indication of overflow either. this is getting ridiculous also this was a none-issue with the first guild wars.

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: SilentOption.6874


Also all of were on the same server

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: salamandor.4917


I’m currently playing on the Server BlackGate and i have few friends who are from a euro server called UnderWorld and we tried to joining ascalonian catacombs and when we tried to enter it would give me the option to join them but when i clicked it gave me a code error and to check my connection. if this can’t be done bececause i’m on a us server and them on a euro one why would it even give us the option to join them there?
Also i cant see them in overflow of any map but i can see their dots on the maps that we’re on that’s overflow so that’s an small problem aswell

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: dennie.9237


Hi there! I dont know if it is a bug, but: Sometimes when I use right click on names of players in chat I see option “Invite to party” , sometimes not. What does this mean?

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: UserError.7150


If i type a lowercase, it reads it as invalid name. Tons of times i have been not able to join/create a pt, even when it is not full. and your pt member search feature simple just doesnt work.
you should check out to see a better example of how it SHOULD work in game….

everytime you release a new patch without fixing the bugs that were previously their, makes the game 10 times worse because the bugs begin to affect the other code and events.

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

I often am unable to join parties by right clicking on the name of one of the party members in chat. The option simply doesn’t appear to me, which is really annoying, and causes me to run into a second bug:

If I want to join a party, I need to manually type the name of one of the party members in the “invite player” bar, but I must remember to click “join”. Because if I hit enter, the game automatically assumes I want to invite that player to MY party, instead of the other way around. This never was the case in Guild Wars 1. Please fix this, so that the game allows for parties to merge, even if it is a party of 1 inviting a party of 4.

It is so annoying that whenever I see someone advertising their party, I can never quickly join their party. I always have to go through the process of manually typing their name, with of course countless spelling mistakes in the process (mistaking i’s, with l’s, and that sort of thing). Plus, some players have the most insane names that are nearly impossible to spell. Please allow us to just quickly join a party. How hard can that be?

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Chiuna.2538


Ever since the last patch (and not before it!) I have had problems with the party window not updating properly when people are added or removed from the group. The party window seems to get ‘stuck’ at random points in time, and after that happens no changes to the group’s composition are visible to me. So the party window often shows people who are no longer in the party as being there, or fails to show people who have been added. Furthermore, for party members that I do see in the window, if they change characters or zones I will not see that either.

The other day I was exploring in Dredgehaunt Cliffs after completing a path of SE with a guild-mate. The party window was stuck and continued to show my guild-mate as being in the dungeon even though they were on another character doing something else. Whenever I would use a waypoint within the zone, I would get a prompt to join my party in SE (clicking on the button to join made the prompt go away but did not result in me going into the dungeon) despite the fact that nobody was in there anymore.

This problem persists upon logging out to the character screen and back into the game, but is fixed if I completely close and restart the client.

An example from tonight is attached: here I had for the entire path of the dungeon a ‘Party Join’ request flashing on the side of my screen for someone who was inside the dungeon with me.

It is frustrating to have to restart the client so many times just to be able to see my group members! Is there another work-around or fix for this?


Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: vinceftw.5086


^ This happens every single party join now, at least for me it does. It’s quite annoying because I also have some group heals and seeing who’s low on hp to heal them can help a lot. Now half the time I can’t see where people are and what their hp is.

Elxyria – Engineer / Deluzio – Mesmer
Quickblade Vince – Thief
The Asurnator – Elementalist

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

I can 2nd this, this has been on going for 3-4 days now on the Yaks Bend server, every party i join it shows me and 1 other person, no one else in the party, i cannot even add others to it as it says we are full, we have members leave the party but the game still shows they are in it, this makes it very difficult to get groups together for events, espically when healing /buffs are needed as i cannot see the party members.

This also breaks the enter party for the fractals, if i can see the person that starts the fractal i can enter, but if i cannot it will not let me join the fractal, it makes me enter as my own instance.

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: RedStar.4218


Have the same problems as the persons above.

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Inanna.9348


World: Ehmry Bay (US server)

Party doesn’t update for some/all members (people have been added and the party menu shows empty slots, people have gone offline and show that they are still online, some people have been online and show as being offline in both party and in guild screens)

We have had issues with people showing on toons which are incorrect (an example was when I partied with Eerekai, he was showing on one of his characters by portrait, hovering over the portrait showed a different character and he was actually on a third).

I have noticed a full restart of the game does fix this, but this only works until another change happens and this can then cause the above issues to happen again. Both myself and Esca.7421 have noticed this happening on a regular occurrance.

EDIT: This has just happened again and I took a screenshot this time (trying to add Flytta to the party, message says she is in the party, and the interface says there is 3 spaces unfilled). The one visible member in the party is Vallii.


(edited by Inanna.9348)

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Esca.7421


To confirm the party info screen troubles Inanna.9348 and I are having, I am providing this screenshot, showing I am in the party, talking to our third member. Another screenshot will have been provided by Inanna with her party screen showing that I am not in the party.


Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Chiuna.2538


Just a small update, I am still having this problem and I’ve been through a support ticket (#130315-000815) that determined the issue was NOT on my end. So if anybody else was thinking of trying to re-install their video drivers or re-download the .dat file, that’s not going to work!

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Ari Kagura.9182

Ari Kagura.9182

I’ve been having some odd cases of party members being split into separate instances of the same dungeon at the start of the run.

I have a feeling that this may be caused by having two or more people (often times from different Worlds) attempting to start up the dungeon instance at the same time.

“I control my fate!” — Claire Farron
I am Fleeting Flash, in-game dungeon cosplayer of Reddit Refugees [RR] .

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Curo.2483


I’ve been having some odd cases of party members being split into separate instances of the same dungeon at the start of the run.

I have a feeling that this may be caused by having two or more people (often times from different Worlds) attempting to start up the dungeon instance at the same time.

I think I found your missing party member. A random person who wasn’t in my party showed up in my fractals instance the other day.

A little more on topic, yesterday a friend and I were rushing to get to the Shadow Behemoth event in Queensdale. He got into the zone and I was pushed into overflow. No “join in” was available when clicking on his name.

Curo Lunesque – “Concerned Citizen and Community Builder”

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: adjman.8159


We are also seeing problems with the “Join” feature, we have grouped up, logged in and out, made sure we are in a town and tried the “Join” option – we are both on Fissure of Woe and both Norn. When in a party the character portrait is just a black shadow and we cannot see each other despite standing right next to the same waypoint. When trying to use the Join feature we get error code error code “3008:1008:1:559:101 The player or channel cannot be found” and this specific error code is not listed on the GW2 wiki, only a similar one 3008:1009:2:189:101 The player or channel cannot be found.

Norn ranger on Piken Square (EU)

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: adjman.8159


Update – I feel very very foolish right now. It helps if you are both on the same server to begin with. We have done a server transfer and now we are questing together quite happily. So, if you see “3008:1008:1:559:101 The player or channel cannot be found” that probably means you are on different servers, just check and make sure before posting as I did

Norn ranger on Piken Square (EU)

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: danjit.5048


Lately I’ve been having a really frustrating issue with the party display. My guild enjoy forming parties and tackling dungeons, meta events, etc. on a regular basis, so I’m in a party for a lot of the time. However, for the past few weeks, information about the party has been failing to update on-screen:

*When a player leaves the party, they aren’t removed from the list on the left side of the screen;
*When a player joins the party, they do not appear on the list on the left side of the screen;
*Player locations on the map freeze or simply don’t display at all, especially if player is not shown on the party list;
*When a player changes character, their character name doesn’t change when hovering the cursor over their avatar;
*When a player moves from one map to another, the location information doesn’t change when hovering the cursor over their avatar.

A few nights ago, one player left the party and joined another, yet in WvW I could still see them within my party, as well as receiving accurate map locations for them. The whole time they were in a completely different party without me.

Nobody else in my guild seem to experience the same issue, so I’m guessing it’s not a widespread thing. The only solution I have found so far is to leave and rejoin the party, but this merely serves to ‘refresh’ the party information…it then fails to update again.

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: gebrechen.5643


As said in another thread. Me and a guild mate can’t enter instances as a party anymore. We tried the adventure box yesterday and ended up in separate instances. Joining over the pop up didnt work – the pop-up closed and nothing happened.
Today the same problem appeared with the new molten instance. We couldn’t enter with the other 3 people or alone or as a group of 2.

Some people die on epidemic, other have skill.
- great warlord Waha of Sea 2981bc

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Joren.5807


There is a recurring bug in joining PvP instances after the yesterday (30th of April) patch. While trying to join any sPvP map with a friend in it the game sends the player to a random instance which is not the same server or instance and many times not even the same map.

Tried different ways of joining: guild interface, friend interface and party interface. My friend has the same problem, so it’s not just me. We’re from EU/Seafarer’s Rest.

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: ceejay.2517


Cant join instances with any party.

Tried Fractals, Dungeons and MF.

Join party get prompt to join in instance, click join and nothing happens….

if i start the instance, people cant join, they all end up in one for them as a group without me.

if i try walking in i also end up in my own instance.

Server: Jade Quarry
Map: various


Psyyy | PvP Necro |

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Rob Thody.1539


Rob Thody.1539

Live Response Coordinator

We are going to unsticky this thread due to the frequency of these posts. Please feel free to continue updating this thread if these issues persist.
Thank you.

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: GuzziHero.2467


Which world you are playing on (or are in overflow from)
What map you are on
How many people in your party
Any other details you can provide

- Dragonbrand (all resident on DB)
- All
- various

Not getting invites to party missions, nor do my teammates get invites when I initiate it.

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

Obviously still persisting. They are linked to the dungeon/party ui issues which are seemingly getting worse yet we have not heard 1 peep about any of it in a long time. That really starts to sour our perspective on how things are being managed.

Serenity now~Insanity later

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Vishox.6047


Which world you are playing on (or are in overflow from)
Dragonbrand – Not Overflow
What map you are on
Labyrinthian Cliffs
How many people in your party
Any other details you can provide
Just trying to enter the Evon Gnashblade / Kiel Canditate Trials in a 2 man group.

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Slyxx.4860


Me and a buddy are trying to play together and just do some general questing. We are standing in the same area, in a party, neither of us are in over flow. Neither of us have the option to ’join in". Neither of us can team up to adventure. :-(

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Zaxares.5419


This bug happened to me too for the first time last night when trying to do Ascalon Catacombs Story with some players from Jade Quarry. Despite having a full party of 5, two of the players were missing from the party window. (I knew they were there because I could see their messages in Party chat.) When it came time to enter the dungeon, I couldn’t enter the same instance either. I eventually had to leave the party after apologizing and find another group.

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: UserError.7150


noticed, they unstickied this thread, but never fixed the problem

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Axxo.7430


I often not get “Join Party” on any chats, be it guild/map.
All I ever get is “Invite to Party”. Rather annoying sometimes I have to manually type their name out and press “Join”.

Axxo “The Hex Guardian” – SoS

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Groschi.9034


is there any problem at the moment with “Join In”
Im in Party with a friend and i cant join his server or he cant join my Server…
The Option “Join In” is missing

Best Regards

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


This thread is two years old, and the last post was a year ago; it’s fine to make a new post when you can only find old ones.

As to your question, are you both on the same region (NA or EU)? If you’re not on the same region, you can’t join eachother to play. You also have to both be on the same map to try to Join eachother’s instance of said map.

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Groschi.9034


same region, i got the extention (HoT) and my friend got the normal GW2 (not the free one)

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


And you’re both in the same map?

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Groschi.9034


same map, tryed in Divinity Reach and Queensdale

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Beldin.5498


Really ? You necroed a thread from before the megaservers where we had “overflows” ?

EVERY MMO is awesome until it is released then its unfinished. A month after release it just sucks.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Groschi.9034


ok throw stones at me, he is on an NA Server