Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Wonloong.7159


Server: Tarnished Coast (main)
Quest: The Sad Tale of the "Ravenous" at Gandarran Fields (personal storyline)
Party members: Myself (80) and a guild member (22)

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Joopy.6547


Cannot start any personal story quests with a friend (their story, I’m helping). We have tried reforming a party and restarting the client but I still do not get any prompts to join him in his story – he just disappears and enters his story alone.

Server: Yak’s Bend
Map: Cursed Shore
Quest: The Source of Orr
Players: 2 (two) myself, level 80 and my friend also a level 80

It seems as though a large number of other players in the same map are experiencing the same issue.

Sindarian Vagrants [Rune]
Covenant of the First Flame [Soul]

(edited by Joopy.6547)

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Urxx.6840


Issue: portraits become dark and dots on map disappear unless very close to each other; calling targets doesn’t work and each member of the party only sees his/her own called target and not other party members’.
Server: Whiteside Ridge
Map: Ascalonian Catacombs Explorable Mode.
Players: 5 including myself.
Time: about 12 hours ago

We were able to join the same instance so it seems the social server bugged out after we got in.

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Shivas.7615


Can not update and play same error 3 days CHeck internet conntection

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Shivas.7615


Perf: Build 15572
Perf: Archive has version 1 header
Perf: Archive has version 1 header
Debug: Scale9Grid for resource=187 has negative width -8.050000
Perf: Deleted 0 old files.
Error: Patch-verify failed for 0×000781eb:0×00000000?0×000781eb [length: 282628]
Error: Download failed [0×000781eb:0×00000000?0×000781eb; size: 282628]
Error: Download failed for manifest 0×00048474 with error 2
Error: Download failed with error 2!

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Edge.4180


Party functionality has been broken for the past few days in (at least) Gandarran Fields on the Tarnished Coast server. This problem has happened before and has the same symptoms as other times:

- can’t enter party member’s personal story instance
- can’t see portrait or radar/map dot if party member moves more than a stone’s throw away
- no heart icon next to party portrait to monitor renown task progress
- unable to see pings or scribble lines drawn on map/radar by other party members

In other words, it pretty much acts like nobody is in a group.

(edited by Edge.4180)

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Spittfyre.9401


Party functionality has been broken for the past few days in (at least) Gandarran Fields on the Tarnished Coast server. This problem has happened before and has the same symptoms as other times:
- can’t enter party member’s personal story instance
- can’t see portrait or radar/map dot if party member moves more than a stone’s throw away
- no heart icon next to party portrait to monitor renown task progress
- unable to see pings or scribble lines drawn on map/radar by other party members
In other words, it pretty much acts like nobody is in a group.

I am also having this issue – all elements are the same.


Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Fortold.1480


Server Magooma
area Dredgehaunt cliffs.

or really anywhere. we’ve tried a few story quests now and none of them will let us join each other. there is only two people in the party, me and a friend. he’s 40 and we are trying his quest with my 50. not allowing any join in option or pop up.

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Krab.9315


Playing on Tarnished Coast.

Normal server not over flow.

Zone Gandarran Fields

Can not join the story mode of the other player in the party for down the hatch.

(edited by Krab.9315)

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Madre Confesor.9786

Madre Confesor.9786

Ehmry Bay
Mount Malestrom
2 people in party
One level 80, one level 67
I’m trying to help him with his story line. I have progressed further in the story than he has. We are in the same map, same server, not overflow. His picture is black in the party window and he is a blue dot on my map. There is no option to join in. Frustration ensues.

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: BobbyK.9730


Unable to group up with guildies and enter personal storys together anymore. Even when we are all able to see each other right by the person’s story line entrance, all in same world, in the same group.

Was so nice and fun to do each other’s stories together before, and now can’t do them together at all. Plus the influence points really helped out too, but no more of that.

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Sasha.3295


Hello, Red-names!
Is there any update on this? It seems the problem is well-defined and fairly widespread, and it has at least three of my characters unable to progress on story missions (since I want to do them with a friend) for several days now. I know things can take a while to fix, but a ray of hope that it is being looked into would be nice to have!

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Crimson.5921


Encountering the same issue of not being able to join a friend’s personal story. Party is on Fergusson’s Crossing. Party of 2 or 3 cannot join in on each others personal stories. Tried multiple stories.

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Briton King.8972

Briton King.8972

“Party functionality has been broken for the past few days in (at least) Gandarran Fields on the Tarnished Coast server. This problem has happened before and has the same symptoms as other times:
- can’t enter party member’s personal story instance
- can’t see portrait or radar/map dot if party member moves more than a stone’s throw away
- no heart icon next to party portrait to monitor renown task progress
- unable to see pings or scribble lines drawn on map/radar by other party members
In other words, it pretty much acts like nobody is in a group.”

Same for me and my friends, except that its on server Anvil Rock in the Bloodtide Coast area.

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Seraki.2753


My husband and I have some story quest that wont let us join in with each other. /sad face. [Stealing Secrets and Down the Hatch]

edit: seems to not be about order choice being the same but seems to be the quest line it self [tested], I tried on another character and still cant get into his story instance. Have no problem with other ones so I think its the story line after one chooses the order of whisper that is bugged. These are not story quest with out combat so I think they should be sharable.

(edited by Seraki.2753)

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Gunter.5186


“Party functionality has been broken for the past few days in (at least) Gandarran Fields on the Tarnished Coast server. This problem has happened before and has the same symptoms as other times:
- can’t enter party member’s personal story instance
- can’t see portrait or radar/map dot if party member moves more than a stone’s throw away
- no heart icon next to party portrait to monitor renown task progress
- unable to see pings or scribble lines drawn on map/radar by other party members
In other words, it pretty much acts like nobody is in a group.”

Same for me and my friends, except that its on server Anvil Rock in the Bloodtide Coast area.

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Gunter.5186


Same for Crystal Desert server… Good description of problem BTW.

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Jouw.5046


“Party functionality has been broken for the past few days in (at least) Gandarran Fields on the Tarnished Coast server. This problem has happened before and has the same symptoms as other times:
- can’t enter party member’s personal story instance
- can’t see portrait or radar/map dot if party member moves more than a stone’s throw away
- no heart icon next to party portrait to monitor renown task progress
- unable to see pings or scribble lines drawn on map/radar by other party members
In other words, it pretty much acts like nobody is in a group.”

Same for me and my friends, except that its on server Anvil Rock in the Bloodtide Coast area.

Same thing in the location – Divinity’s Reach
Server – Ring of Fire
If we move to any other location, all is OK (able to enter story in coop, see portraits, etc).
Plz fix it.

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: pathaugen.6572


Sanctum of Rall

Same issue as the others are having past few days. Must be since last patch. Can not join personal storyline quests, having serious issues with parties in general not being able to see each other until we get choice, call targets not working, personal waypoints (alt clicks) not showing up nor shift drawings..

However out of it all the worst thing currently is not being able to join personal storylines.. can’t party at all. Some players stopped playing because it’s not fun playing this game solo.

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Trina.9625


Tarnished Coast world
Gendarrin Fields
Party of two
Speaker of the dead instance

and the event following it back in Divinity’s Reach

my friend was running the alternate option, couldn’t join in those either.

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: eth.4619


Hedge of Denravi
Divinity’s Reach
2 Player party

‘The Perils of Friendship’

Fully Operational|80 Guardian – Fairly Operational|80 Mesmer
Ethereal Hurricane|80 Thief – Eaza Hurricane|80 Thief – Forserialmist|80 Necro
Jade Quarry

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Nihilus.3015


I haven’t seen the Join Button since the Headstart.


Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Nurien.4136


Having these issues on the Blackgate server. My wife is on the level 45-50 story quests involving assisting the hylek. I’m on the ones involving assisting the skritt. (Sorry, dont recall the exact names.)

She can join all of my story instances, I can’t join any of hers. She just goes right in without an invite to me, even if I’m standing right next to her. We were able to play these together before.

Also having issues with the ‘blue dot’ on the map that indicates a party member’s location isn’t showing up in the right place. Sometimes it is, sometimes it’s mysteriously halfway across the map.

Why is it that every patch, more grouping issues get broken…getting very frustrating.

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Genei.7502


All instances of Durmand Priory story line and Order of Whispers story lines. Multiple players all on BlackGate server. We are trying to help each other with personal stories, picking different paths to keep things interesting. Haven’t been able to join in a personal story mission for days. Very frustrating.

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Xeomyles.3204


Chalk me into seeing odd things happening with groups. If we’re outside of a range – think a “stone’s throw”, we disappear from each other and our dots in the maps suddenly transport to different areas, and the character portraits go dark. If we come back into close range of each other, things work as they should.

I believe this is tied into not being able to join story instances, as when we’re under these effects we don’t see invites to other personal stories.

Would really like to see this fixed, soon.

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Calius Storm.6903

Calius Storm.6903

Which world you are playing on (or are in overflow from)
– Me: Tarnished Coast
– Friend: Isle of Janthir
– No overflow
What map you are on
– Snowden Drifts, though we have tried nearby areas
How many people in your party
– 2
Any other details you can provide
– The only place we were able to party was Lion’s Arch, which was the only place we found with an overflow server currently. In the other areas, we tried many combinations of moving in and out of areas, leaving and rejoining the party, etc, but they didn’t work.

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Kelsier.2359


Server: Far Shiverpeaks EU
- When I right click on friends, party members, guild members via those respective menus, the only available option is “Report”. All other options are absent.
- It is impossible to kick members from a party and I can only invite them with the /invite command and not from my friends or guild menu. Offline party members cannot be removed from the party by any means (except disbanding the entire party and recreating it).
- All my party members have a line with their current location (which is great). However, it displays for example: “Lion’s Arch (Anvil Rock)”. We are not on Anvil Rock, we are all on the same server, Far Shiverpeaks, so this is a bit confusing.

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Jazrel.4385


My friend & I have been trying to play together for days and can never “see” one another in-game – even if we are in a party. We have tried logging out several times…still no luck. What gives with this? Is there a way to fix it?

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Kira.2903


My guild on far shiverpeak and gate of madness cant enter dungeons together with mixed server team. Even when we are in the same party the players from the other server (the server that do not enter the dungeon first) get Network error and cant join.
This have been since you implemented the mixed server teams.

S P E L L B O U N D —~--Mesmer —~--Human lvl 80
S P E L L B O R N —~--Necro —~--Sylvari lvl 80
I Kira I —~--Ele —~--Sylvari lvl 80

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: gudgip.8230


This is pretty annoying, we can’t enter the dungeon in party, and it’s too hard to solo it. When we enter in party we are all in a different dungeon (alone).
Dungeon: Mad king
-Underworld, but in overflow in LA
-3 people

(edited by gudgip.8230)

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: gebrechen.5643


We tried to enter Caudecus Manor today. We had two people from EU Server in our group and it’s impossible for us or them to enter. Either one of us always got a network error message.
I guess that’s working as intended?

Will guesting change this and will we be able to join dungeon groups with our friends playing not on a US server?

Some people die on epidemic, other have skill.
- great warlord Waha of Sea 2981bc

(edited by gebrechen.5643)

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Nagwarg.9328


This is a joke right? So I can’t play this game with my brother? I can’t believe this is real… What are you thinking by doing this? I’ve played this game for 30 min now, 30 min looking where the hell was my brother until I came across posts on the internet… to realize there’s nothing we can do but wait… We chose a medium population server to avoid issues…

(edited by Nagwarg.9328)

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

I often find myself unable to join a party of one in WvW. Like last night in Eternal Battlegrounds. My friend and fellow guildy could not invite me to his one person party, and I could not join his party either. Then after several minutes, for what ever reason he was able to invite me. Problems with forming parties occur all the time in WvW.

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: TsukasaHiiragi.9730


This issue started again last night, several guild members unable to join party and/or then found themselves in what appeared to be a seperate ‘version’ of the world and was forced to re-log to get back into the party.

Right now, trying to do a dungeon (AC) with guild, and one of our members is unable to enter the dungeon with us. So yeah, something going wrong with parties again.

Update: We couldn’t do the dungeon, the groups was randomly dropping and then kicking us out of the instance. This needs looking at asap!

protest this travesty of a patch -
Get it taken down -
Do whatever it takes if you care about this game -

(edited by TsukasaHiiragi.9730)

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Flarfle.7345


Just happened to me for the first time in a long time. I ended up in a separate instance from the other five, no join party message came up for me when another member entered.

Tarnished Coast
Honor of the Waves Story
5 Person Party

Feichyn – Guardian
Eliana Massano – Mesmer
Tarnished Coast

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Sebbern.3894


I can’t see my 4 other teammates even though I am in the same overflow as them. They are from an NA server and I am from an EU one. Were trying to do fractals, but it won’t work.

We also get into different instances.

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Liliana Moore.4237

Liliana Moore.4237

I am from Blacktide my friend is from Kodash DE. – Map Lion’s Arch
The “join” option is simply not there for both of us.

We both tried everything we could to make it work – restarting the game, teleporting, entering personal instance, switching characters, entering/ leaving dungeons, creating and leaving new party for several time with just 2 of us or with other players – with no success .

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Lilium.6803


Here’s on obvious detail they need to fix, when someone dc’s or the game crashes make it so they can rejoin.

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Rexy Nemorensis.4382

Rexy Nemorensis.4382

I think this is relevent:

Several times I’ve tried to join a group with empty spots but received the message that ‘The player is already in another party or guild.’ The people in that group trying to invite me receive the same message. Furthermore I have received the same message when trying to invite a single person into our group whilst we have free spots and the invitee not being in a group. Whilst generally happening on overflow servers this is not due to the other members being on US servers.

This has happened in Lions Arch in the overflow server and my home server is Desolation.

L’Intelligence fut à moi! Je devins le Buddha!

(edited by Rexy Nemorensis.4382)

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Tipsy.5802


I tried to get together with some US players on stormbluff,while i’m on EU piken square for the twilight dungeon Lvl 50 Caledon forest, story mode (full party,all lvl 80)
when they entered the join question appeared for me too but if I try t confirm I keep getting error 1006
I tried several times after that,running against the portal so the" join party" window reappears, but keep getting that 1006 error when I push the button to join.

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Foss.4830


Just ran into this issue for the first time.

Im from Isle of janthir. Was on a lions arch overflow map trying to join a fractal group that I found through gw2lfg.

The group was full. me and one other person were in an overflow together but we could not join the rest of the group. However we could see them on the minimap. Tried leaving group and rezoning to get into a different overflow server. The join button appeared. I hit it and it did the same thing again. Could see them on the mini map but we were clearly in different servers. I hope a fix is coming for this or implement a districts system like in GW1 where you can select which server you are going to. This whole randomized system kinda blows.

Bluecog – Valór [RUN] – Kaineng

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: rinks.7528


I don’t understand why this basic of basics is not working. Partying is a main element of any MMORPG. I don’t understand this main server/overflow server stuff. What is the point of picking what server we are going to play on if we are just going to be moved around willy-nilly? If it’s a server being full issue, I can’t understand why the developers wouldn’t create a larger number of servers, and then after awhile of watching server loads, start deactivating servers and have players select which server they’d like to relocate to.

Anyways, enough griping, on to the problem at hand: My friends and I all get this same issue, the error that the player or whatever cannot be found. We can join each other in a party but cannot see each other even though we are in apparently the same server. The join button gives an error as if the character does not exist or cannot be found, even though we can whisper and party chat with each other. Zoning does nothing to help. Logging on and off does nothing to help. We’ve tried several servers and even went on to the lighter loaded Europe servers and still no luck, so I can’t see how this is a server to full issue when the European servers are usually at medium load.

It’s been months now and we still can’t play with each other. We’ve gone back to playing Star Wars the Old Republic now that it has went free to play until this issue gets resolved.

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Riptide.3012


Server:Seafarer’s Rest
Dungeon:Citadel of Flame

When I join up with a group from different servers they can join in fine but when I try it tells me to check my internet connection even though it is fine and dosen’t have a too high security level.I tried logging off and on, going to the character select screen but it didn’t work.

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: rinks.7528


Can we get an update on this issue? Is anything being done at all? Whatever update came out today finished and I had hoped it was a fix for the party system. We all logged on and tried it out and nope, we still can’t play together.

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Criusis.8752


I don’t understand why this basic of basics is not working. Partying is a main element of any MMORPG. I don’t understand this main server/overflow server stuff. What is the point of picking what server we are going to play on if we are just going to be moved around willy-nilly? If it’s a server being full issue, I can’t understand why the developers wouldn’t create a larger number of servers, and then after awhile of watching server loads, start deactivating servers and have players select which server they’d like to relocate to.

Anyways, enough griping, on to the problem at hand: My friends and I all get this same issue, the error that the player or whatever cannot be found. We can join each other in a party but cannot see each other even though we are in apparently the same server. The join button gives an error as if the character does not exist or cannot be found, even though we can whisper and party chat with each other. Zoning does nothing to help. Logging on and off does nothing to help. We’ve tried several servers and even went on to the lighter loaded Europe servers and still no luck, so I can’t see how this is a server to full issue when the European servers are usually at medium load.

It’s been months now and we still can’t play with each other. We’ve gone back to playing Star Wars the Old Republic now that it has went free to play until this issue gets resolved.

Overflow is to ensure you not to get 10000 ppl on the same map that they overlap each other so you can’t see anything.

You need to invite not join if the target player is not in a group.

And you better use the id.number format.

The Tiny Master of Evil——-Apate Veigar

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: rinks.7528


I don’t understand why this basic of basics is not working. Partying is a main element of any MMORPG. I don’t understand this main server/overflow server stuff. What is the point of picking what server we are going to play on if we are just going to be moved around willy-nilly? If it’s a server being full issue, I can’t understand why the developers wouldn’t create a larger number of servers, and then after awhile of watching server loads, start deactivating servers and have players select which server they’d like to relocate to.

Anyways, enough griping, on to the problem at hand: My friends and I all get this same issue, the error that the player or whatever cannot be found. We can join each other in a party but cannot see each other even though we are in apparently the same server. The join button gives an error as if the character does not exist or cannot be found, even though we can whisper and party chat with each other. Zoning does nothing to help. Logging on and off does nothing to help. We’ve tried several servers and even went on to the lighter loaded Europe servers and still no luck, so I can’t see how this is a server to full issue when the European servers are usually at medium load.

It’s been months now and we still can’t play with each other. We’ve gone back to playing Star Wars the Old Republic now that it has went free to play until this issue gets resolved.

Overflow is to ensure you not to get 10000 ppl on the same map that they overlap each other so you can’t see anything.

You need to invite not join if the target player is not in a group.

And you better use the id.number format.

I was just informed about an update to the game and was hoping that it was a resolution to the problem, but apparently not. Basically what happens is the following:

Player 1 (not in a group)
Player 2 (not in a group)
Player 3 (not in a group)

Player 2 selects party and types in Player 1’s name and clicks “Join In.”
Player 2 gets “the player or channel cannot be found” error code.

Player 2 selects party and types in Player 1’s name and clicks “Invite.”
Player 1 is able to join Player 2’s party, but neither player is in the same location.

Player 3 selects party and types in Player 2’s name and clicks “Join In.”
Player 3 gets the “player or channel cannot be found” error code.

Player 2 invites Player 3 to the party.
Player 3 joins the party but it unable to see Player 1 or 2 even though on the same server, map and location.

This process repeats itself regardless of what server we are on. I’m not even sure how to tell if we are in an overflow server or not, as this is the first I’ve ever heard of an overflow server. We’ve played WoW, EQ2, CoH, Conan and The Old Republic and in each game we can easily join each others instance and party without having an issue with missing players or not being able to “join in” another players game.

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Aoshi.4785


Just happened to a guildie and me in Lions Arch. We both waited until we were out of the map queue and on the real map, joined up, and we cant see each other on the map, or in person. We were standing in front of the same NPC, could see our names on the guild roster and use guild and party chat, yet we were all but invisible to each other otherwise.

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Rush is Right.9723

Rush is Right.9723

I was in the Black Citidel trying to form a group to visit Trixx workshop. Never saw invite button but could manually enter other characters names. This system needs to be like GW1 which was easy but so far I am very confused and just play by myself even though I am in a couple of guilds.

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: RobbingZombie.7913


So today I was trying to do a dungeon with some friends. I clicked join in Lions Arch, and I went to their server successfully but couldn’t see their pictures or them in game. I have tried re-logging, leaving party and re-logging, swapping characters and doing the same thing. Going to other maps and trying, PVP and back. Every time nothing happened. The rest of the party could see each other it was only me that couldn’t see anyone. Please fix this, I would very much like to be able to play with my friends instead of forced to play the game alone.

Issues with 'Join In' and playing with party members

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Posted by: Sdoras.3850


I’ve had issues on two occasions where I was using and received an invite. Both times I would get the option to “Join In…” but when I would click it I would load into the new instance but no portraits would render. I could see the icons for the party members on the mini-map but that’s it. I finally noticed something today though… One of my party members was on the Kodash [DE] server (a EU server) while I’m on Northern Shiverpeak (a NA server).

I think a simple fix would be to either completely separate the NA and EU servers, so you can’t invite one from the other, or two just allow cross-server parties. As it stands right now, it looks like you can message and invite people regardless of what server they are on, but you can’t actually get to the same instance.