Issues with Waypoints
if you dont have the area, or the waypoint discovered, it will show you an area of undiscovered territory, you need to discover the area first (if thats the problem)
No, that’s not it, since the first time I saw that problem was on a toon with 100% world completion. The problem is that the map doesn’t move when the waypoint is linked.
I am having that problem as well. When I click the waypoint, the map appears but stays on my position and it doesn’t scroll/pan to the linked WP. (Like when I just press M). I’ve tried restarted the game and my PC but the problem still persist. It was working properly before, and I don’t know when this problem started. It is such a pain on guild bounty hunts, as I have to manually look for the waypoint since nothing happens when I click on my guildmate’s linked WPs.
WvW and PvE WPs is not in the same maps… could that be the issue?
Someone say game crash must be related to OOM
when you read the log it’s not related to that whatsoever…
@UnknownFreak Nope not it. This is PVE on PVE only. Although I might test it on WvW.
did anyone ever come up with a fix for this? about a month ago i started having this issue and can’t seem to fix it