Issues with inventory window

Issues with inventory window

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: sarkysek.1085


Hello! During the past few days, my inventory window keeps collapsing itself into the original size every time I start the game. Any ideas on what could be causing this or how to eventually fix it?

Issues with inventory window

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

Hello! During the past few days, my inventory window keeps collapsing itself into the original size every time I start the game. Any ideas on what could be causing this or how to eventually fix it?

There’s been an intermittent bug which gets intermittent fixes which intermittently resolves some of the issues… which is a long-winded way to say: no one knows exactly what’s going on.

A number of us haven’t seen the problem recur after we’ve gone through all our characters to make sure that the inventory panel width is identical (e.g. always 10 or 15 squares across). Others report that it helps to resize it so that all four corners are well within your screen. I’ve also seen people claim that it helps to move the panel so it’s partially outside your window, restart the game, move it back within the window, and then restart one more time (not sure if they also did this on multiple toons).

Whenever it happens, I recommend using the in-game /bug reporting tool so that ANet keeps building its data on when people are seeing it. I’m also hoping that a senior dev decides its worth the time to redesign the UI from scratch so that it’s easier for the game to remember the window size across different characters, resolutions, etc.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”