Items taken from inventory

Items taken from inventory

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shura.8370


I’ve opened a support ticked for this issue and the only response I’ve received was a generic HoM centered answer. Wanting to see if this happened to anyone else.

I was playing an alt yesterday and my game crashed when trying to port into Lion’s Arch from Gendarran Fields, I cannot remember the error number. After trying to log back in several times and finally giving up and walking away I was able to log back in within 15 minutes of the crash. I played the game for about 2 more hours after this.

I logged onto my main and went into the jumping puzzle in Eternal Battlegrounds. On the way there I found a rich orichalcum node (yay) and snagged it up. Did the pain in the butt puzzle and finished it. Upon completion I got 14 badges of honor, an alpha siege golem blueprint, a couple of blues, and another blueprint nowhere near as impressive. I had these items plus the 14 orichalcum ore and 3 rare orbs from that node and was feeling great about the accomplishment. I ported out and took the Asura gate to Lion’s Arch and my game crashed again. This time with a 42 error and my husband got the exact same thing. A few curse words later I logged back in.

Upon my re-logging I opened my inventory only to find all the items I had just gotten were gone. Nowhere in my bags, bank, collectibles and I re-logged several times in dismay to verify they were gone.

So yeah. I had all this valuable stuff removed from my inventory and the only response I can get is HoM answers from support and I’m incredibly frustrated. It seems like the crash caused a roll-back on my account, that’s the only explanation I have. I don’t bot, farm, or do anything exploitable so I know it wasn’t taken intentionally. Has this happened to anyone else? Other than the support ticket’s obviously taking sooooo seriously is there any idea of how to get my items back? And please no “qq get over it” responses, these things were valuable and were tough to get.

Items taken from inventory

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: StarsLife.7320


There are several reports of players being rolled back hour(s) yesterday. There’s no official word on the matter and I just wanted to let you know that you weren’t the only one experiencing this.

Here’s one thread similar:

Items taken from inventory

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shura.8370


Thank you so much for that response Stars. I’m not crazy after all! At least I know I’m not the only one! Now they should give us our stuff back and fix Bayt Fallahin and I’ll be a happy, quiet little mesmer.

Items taken from inventory

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Darkrai.3596


same thing happend to me too

Items taken from inventory

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ShiningSquirrel.3751


I have had similier things happen several times before, even back in the betas.
I have finished a quest, went to warp to a waypoint and the client crashed.
Went back in, and I was at the point before I did the quest. It almost appeared as if the client had lost communication or stopped syncing with the server, so the last few changes on the client where not saved, atleast that is how it appeared.