Jormag Defense Guide AP bug

Jormag Defense Guide AP bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MAGpie.7962


I just finished the Jormag Defense Guide collection, and only got 8 AP for unlocking the Jormag Defense Guide, as apposed to the 10 listed.
To be fair, not really a big deal but there is a bit of a lesson in principle that is coming from this, and a warning.

My current assumption is that it happened because I had all the weapons done already, and was only waiting for the super rare Scale. I also did not have the Karma item. So everything except those 2 items.

I finally bought the scale, double clicked, but only got the 3 AP for Tier 2, and not the 2 AP for Tier 1 of the collection as well. I then went to buy the Karma item to complete the collection, hoping it would fix it. I received the 5 AP for Tier 3, but the Tier 1 reward is still outstanding.

Opened a ticket, but was replied to that unfortunately the tools that can help me solve this does not exist.

Oh well…

But anyhow:

TL;DR: If you intend to finish this set and wish to get all the AP for it, get the scale first and make sure you get the rewards step by step. If you don’t, accept the fact that you will not get the full reward for spending your 800+ gold.

(edited by MAGpie.7962)