Jump Shot Skill bug

Jump Shot Skill bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cybil Song.2359

Cybil Song.2359

There is a bug with that skill: A well aligned jump at a reasonable distance, in a jumping puzzle, fails because the engineer meets an invisible obstacle in the air.
Why? Does the GW2 design team, understand that not all players are Prince of Persia types? Some of the jumps I talked about should have completed with no problem but yet my engineer fell to his death, on a perfectly legal jump. This is definitely a fault in how some of those puzzles are constructed. In this case, it was The Morgan’s Leap. The level of difficulty is high enough, in this Puzzle without having some random event interfering with well made jumps. It is one of the constant frustrations with GW2. Jumps that should work easily, don’t and some that seems almost impossible works like a breeze.
To finish, I sincerely hope that the GW2 team has a serious look at jumping and some of the puzzle to allow reasonably competent players to finish them with high probability.