Jumping Bug(WvW tower/keep glitching in)

Jumping Bug(WvW tower/keep glitching in)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Evalia.7103


The topic title might be a little bit confusing.
Well, I believe you experienced it on multiple occasions.. just spamming spacebar while facing some tricky rock and bamf.. performing 2 quick jumps in a row and getting on top of it.
I’ve wondered for some time how and why did that happen.
I figured that it happened because I pressed space exactly the moment jump ended.
So I just went all-out lazy and made a macros that kept pressing spacebar for me, every 0.001 second.
And what were the results?
I was able to jump multiple times facing walls/rocks with high angles. It doesn’t sound particularly scary… but for example, with this you can jump over wall in old ascalon(aka urban) fractal… Just as I was able to get into ALL towers in wvw and in some keeps. It’s too bad I’m too lazy to convert my experiences into video and post it…
But I found video on youtube utilizing the same glitch:
He starts doing the glitch at 1m46s in the video, and gets in tower almost instantly. Similar structure defect is in ALL towers(and keeps), which means all of them are perfectly jumpable…
I’ve heard about arah JP skipping lupicus.. I haven’t investigated that yet, but I believe it’s very far from hardcore jumping puzzle and much closer related to this same glitch.

Jumping Bug(WvW tower/keep glitching in)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rfreak.6591


yeah I noticed that spamming spacebar would help sometimes on weird rocks/jumps but seeing the obvious exploit I want to see this addressed as fast as possible.

Jumping Bug(WvW tower/keep glitching in)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jayne.9251


Yeah that`s pretty bad.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

Jumping Bug(WvW tower/keep glitching in)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Evalia.7103


As a matter of update, i’ve found my way in 4 keeps out of 6.
Bay, Hills, blue and green EBG keeps -_-
I’m not daring to solo champion though so I just jerk around :P
Well, that’s just how bad things are.

(edited by Evalia.7103)