Jumping and in-combat

Jumping and in-combat

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

This really grinds my gears. But whenever you aggro something, even if you don’t get near a foe, or attack it, your jump distance is dramatically reduced. It is one of the most annoying mechanics in the game, and I don’t understand why it even exists.

A lot of jumping puzzles have enemies in them. And sometimes you can kill the enemies… and sometimes you can’t. They can simply be out of reach, and often they respawn so fast that killing them doesn’t seem to do much at all. Some enemies even seem to aggro just because you are directly above them (regardless of distance).

Nothing is more infuriating when making a jump, than when you suddenly notice the game halving your forward momentum mid-jump, so you miss the jump. Its such an unfair and illogical mechanic. Could we see a fix for this please? Perhaps a buff during jumping puzzles, that disabled this annoying mechanic?

The first time I ran into this issue, I just didn’t understand what was going on. I doubted my own jumping skills, and other players mocked my poor jumping… but it wasn’t me at all. The game really was messing up the jumps for me on purpose!

Please fix!

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

Jumping and in-combat

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Doomguard.5094


This mechanic is there to reduce your abilities of running away from combat, when you encounter someone and engage in a fight, you should kill them, if you really don’t feel like it then you are free to run away, but at a price, reduced moving speed. I really don’t see anything wrong with it, you should always pay attention who you agrro and it’s not hard to tell when your out of combat to avoid fumbling jumps. To me it makes sense to fumble jumps a lot if you’re being hit by something.

Jumping and in-combat

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: AeroJavi.1687


a) This is not a bug, don’t start a topic about it in bug subforum.
b) If you need to do a max lenght jump while in combat, flip.

Jumping and in-combat

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

But it is bug! Because it is not working as intended. Aggro is unreliable. As I mentioned, enemies can sometimes be considered in-combat with you, when you never engaged them, and you could be miles away from them and still fail your jumps.

Worse is when enemies turn invulnerable (hello Fractal harpies) causing you to fail your jumps, but be unable to kill them. And yes, they will sometimes even turn invulnerable if you are standing right next to them.

Many jumping puzzles have enemies in them, and often you can’t kill them (they may be in spots where you can’t get to them). This mechanic ruins jumping puzzles, when it needn’t be there in the first place.

Why don’t you try running the Griffonrook Run with a bomb, so you can’t fight the griffons, and then tell me if it is working as intended? Because I promise you, you will miss countless jumps without those griffons even touching you. That is most definitely a bug.

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

Jumping and in-combat

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sedith.5381


As for the Griffonrook Run, I believe the idea there is to evade the griffons, not fight them. And yes, you can do all the jumps if you evade the enemies. With that being said, this is not one of the easiest jumping puzzles and I think this was the devs’ plan. If you have a problem finishing it alone, just take sb with you – they will run ahead and kill the griffons so that you don’t have any problem with the jumps.
And btw – any speed skills help there, a lot. We have confirmed it

Jumping and in-combat

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Oh I’ve completed Griffonrook Run multiple times. But it took a lot of attempts. Not only because it was hard, but because of this bug. See, even when evading the griffons, the game would often consider you in-combat and reduce your jump distance, so you couldn’t make some of the jumps. This really made Griffonrook Run a matter of trial and error, because you never knew when it might hit you.

You could be halfway into the challenge, your bomb still perfectly lit (which means no griffons hit you through out the challenge), try and jump from one pillar to the next (with no griffons nearby), and suddenly miss a jump you could easily make before. This is exactly the problem I’m talking about. For no apparent reason the game reduces your forward momentum during a jumping challenge.

“Madness is just another way to view reality”