Just thought I'd mention...

Just thought I'd mention...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SimBilly.8047


The Legendary Mordrem Demolisher just knocked me under the geometry of the Silverwastes just north of the Indigo Caves entrance. Someone might want to plug that hole

Just thought I'd mention...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: shadow.6174


Would you have some screenshot of the place? It could help to locate it more properly (also I like to see pics of glitches and stuff lol). Also, there is a thread about map art issues and glitches and maybe you better to post there too: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/bugs/Stuck-in-the-map-or-seeing-map-art-issues

Just thought I'd mention...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SimBilly.8047


Haha… No, unfortunately I don’t, but I’ll try and grab a screenie of the exact location when I’m in game again. Basically it happened right outside of the northern WVW-style entrance to the Indigo Caves near that big rock ledge on the left as you’re heading into the fort.

At first when he knocked me down with his charge attack I didn’t realize I was under / inside the rocks, but then I realized that I couldn’t move and that I was looking up at everything and my camera kept jiggling around. I summoned a FGS and used the whirling attack to try and break free, but the result was that I fell even deeper below the ground.

Except for being annoyed at missing the fight, it was pretty cool to see Silverwastes from this angle. I ran around and explored what I could between Indigo Cave and Blue Oasis without falling down into the empty sky until I finally TP’d back to camp.

Just thought I'd mention...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gaile Gray

Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager

Are you submitting an in-game bug report? If you do, the devs get a lot of valuable info, including your exact location, etc.

If it happens again, we’d love that report!


Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Just thought I'd mention...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mikau.6920


Are you submitting an in-game bug report? If you do, the devs get a lot of valuable info, including your exact location, etc.

If it happens again, we’d love that report!

Lol! I don’t even knew this option exists!

Sorry for my english.

Just thought I'd mention...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: shadow.6174


Hehe really? I had heard about it since my first weeks in game. Anyhow, the bug report thing is in Options > Support > Bug report. Also you can use the command /support or /bug in chat to bring up that panel. It takes a screenshoot itself when you open it but you can get it to take another if you prefer.

Just thought I'd mention...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Saturn.6591


^ Lol; I also had no idea that this option exists. And I’m playing this game since the free trial with the Karka attack xD.

But gosh; this feature looks awesome! Totally gonna use it next time I encounter a bug, haha. Just recently had a partymember somehow glitch into a wall/crystal in the Maw-fractal without being able to get out anymore (he was really trapped inside; I could see him in there xD)... the only option was to relog. If only I had known this before; I’d have sent (or make him send) a report! =0

At least it wasn’t a very serious case... I mean, the possibility of it happening again is probably super-low. Otherwise I’d have started a thread in the forum.

Edit: On a sidenote... I see you can even report exploits that way. I only knew about the email before... but I guess if possible (and if it makes sense in the given case), the ingame-option would be preferable.

Edit 2: After taking a look ingame, I’ve noticed that it’s probably once again something I’ve just missed even though it should have been obvious. I only ever used the Esc-menu to access the options, or to log out or get back to char-select... never actually clicked or even really noticed the "Support"-button there. Bleh. Just like I’ve recently read some question about the doves that apparently appear when you send an ingame-mail... I’ve yet, to this day, never noticed/seen them. *facepalms because of myself for once*

(edited by Saturn.6591)