(edited by Moderator)
Karka event bugged on Borlis Pass
Seems the “burning out the karka nests” in Driftglass Springs is bugged..the nests can be targeted but nothing happens.Jade Quarry server
(edited by Ghettoblade.7962)
We’ve got the same problem on Desolation.
The Karka nests in Steampipe Steady can not be burned with the given flamethrowers. It seems as if they were counting as “allies” instead of enemies.
Hope this gets fixed :/
Still nothing, its been like this all morning
Same on BlackGate (NA). Unable to destory any of the 4 karka nests.
yep, still cant uncontest the waypoints
We have the same bug of Whiteside ridge too, it’s been like it all day
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It’s all messed up on Maguuma as well.