Karma Not Properly Awarded in FOTM

Karma Not Properly Awarded in FOTM

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Max Gladius.6930

Max Gladius.6930

Long Story Short…

My personal reward lvl for fractals is 40
I run a lvl 4 on my lvl 80 character, I get 8k karma
I run a lvl 4 on my lvl 20 character, I get 1.7 k karma

Patch notes state that if you run a lower lvl fractal, with a higher reward level, you receive more Karma… Why is my lower level character not receiving it correctly.

Please fix this… on top of the many many other problems in fractals (such as daily chest randomly not appearing, and yes, the reward brackets were separated)

Karma Not Properly Awarded in FOTM

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nar.8327


Long Story Short…

My personal reward lvl for fractals is 40
I run a lvl 4 on my lvl 80 character, I get 8k karma
I run a lvl 4 on my lvl 20 character, I get 1.7 k karma

Patch notes state that if you run a lower lvl fractal, with a higher reward level, you receive more Karma… Why is my lower level character not receiving it correctly.

Please fix this… on top of the many many other problems in fractals (such as daily chest randomly not appearing, and yes, the reward brackets were separated)

I think you’re confusing character level with reward level. Since reward level is now account-bound, it’s impossible to have two characters with different reward levels on the same account. Some karma and gold rewards do scale with character level – it sounds like that’s what happened here.

Karma Not Properly Awarded in FOTM

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Max Gladius.6930

Max Gladius.6930

My “Personal Reward Level” for fractals is lvl 40… My account is still doing the work of the lower level fractal… Yes they upscale my character, but why would the extra rewards not be scaled up? I receive the same gold on my lvl 80 as I do my lvl 20…

Karma Not Properly Awarded in FOTM

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


What kind of infusion do you have in the amulet of your level 80?

Karma Not Properly Awarded in FOTM

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Flash.6912


The Karmic Infusion amulet work for fotm?

R.I.P Kumu <3

Karma Not Properly Awarded in FOTM

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


The Karmic Infusion amulet work for fotm?

Karmic infusion, account wide from achievements, banners, food, booster.
You could have over +95% so a scale 4 would give you over 13k.

Karma Not Properly Awarded in FOTM

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Max Gladius.6930

Max Gladius.6930

My lvl 20 doesn’t even have an amulet.
My lvl 80 runs all zerker equipment (no special boosts)
No special foods or anything else in use….

Account wide fractal level is 40s
Character lvl 80 does lvl 4 fractal, gets 8k karma
Character lvl 20 does lvl 4 fractal, gets 1.7k karma
Both while doing lvl 4 fractal get same coin reward
Why is the Karma not equal

Karma Not Properly Awarded in FOTM

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


Scale 4 gives a maximum of 6720 karma. If you got 8k then you had +19% karma boost from somewhere.

Karma Not Properly Awarded in FOTM

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Skull Basher.6804

Skull Basher.6804

I think I understand what Max is talking about. I just ran two sets of level 4 fractals. My personal reward level is 41. The first set I ran on my lvl 80 Guardian and after my group defeated Mai Trin I was awarded 7526 karma. On my second set I brought my lvl 22 Ranger. After the Jade Maw was defeated I was awarded 2070 karma. This is an over 5000 karma reward difference. Based on the wiki formula to calculate karma rewards from fractals I should have received the same amount on both runs which was not the case. If this is intentional then the wiki formula needs to be updated to the real formula. If this is not supposed to be happening and rewards are supposed to be the same then it’s a bug. Also, as a side note, before people go off about karma boosts the only boosts I was running in both instances was the permanent 12% I have from achievements. Thank you.

Karma Not Properly Awarded in FOTM

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Max Gladius.6930

Max Gladius.6930

Bumping this in hopes others can confirm as Skull did above. Thanks Skull Basher for testing and reporting your results as well.

Karma Not Properly Awarded in FOTM

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Max Gladius.6930

Max Gladius.6930

I shall keep bumping this until it is acknowledged and tested by others…

This is a huge impeding my fun factor…. I run a lvl 47 and lvl 21 character through fractals… I know others do similar….