Karma bonus from Kite Fortunes
Yesterday I got a karma boost from a kite fortune. Used a drop of liquid karma, +604 karma instead of +404. No relogging involved.
So no, NOT ALL karma buffs are useless in that manner.
Yes, all stacking bonuses, including the achievment bonus, are additive, not multiplicative. For 400 karma, +50% and +1% is +51% (604), not +51.5% (606).
Anecdotally, I’ve never had this bug occur, all karma buffs have worked immediately for me without having to fiddle with anything. But I’ve played GW2 enough to be plagued by different bugs that don’t happen to some people, so I won’t dismiss that it may be happening to some.
I wasn’t saying there is no bug, I was calling bs on the sentence I remarked.
I’m not giving any evidence because there is no need to. Anyone can tell you, ALL karma boosts ARE NOT bugged for EVERYBODY, ALL the times. Easy to test. You can post your own results as soon as you’re done trying.
I have removed the rest of my posts in this thread because an admin saw fit to delete one of my entirely on-topic posts simply because they had also removed a post that I made a brief reply to in it.
“Your post was removed because it was a reply to a post that was recently deleted.”
Good day and good luck.
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(edited by StinVec.3621)