Kessex Hills - 97% Complete bug
I dont mean to point out the obvious but I can see that your missing two POI’s. Do those still show completed on your map, if not, you may need to rediscover them.
what Maiden said ..
I have everything cleared out, and discovered. However I don’t have the screenresolution to show everything,
But the summary on the left says 16/18 poi’s. The game must have reverted 2 of your visited poi’s. Are you saying every poi on your map is showing filled in if you scroll around and check them, in spite of the total showing only 16/18?
Despite having 16/18 being shown everything is filled out.
list the name of all your points of interest you have. or.. better yet. i will list them all. all 18. did you /really/ count your little POI squares and see that there are 18? just because all the map is “viewable” or “cleared” as in none is “fogged over” anymore. that does /not/ mean you found all the POI. or even got close enough to all the POI to make the little “hollow” squares show.
often under ground or cave POI won’t show up, unless you actually enter the cave anyway, the zone’s points of interest starting at the top left of the map and going north to south – north to south are:
1. Wellwatcher Camp (Thunder Ridge)
2. Mudbay Digs (south of Viath Shore)
3. Auld Red Wharf (north of Viathan Lake)
4. Lair of the Seawitch (Viathan Lake)
5. Kenna’s Bandits (Manefire Hills)
6. Tagotl Grounds (north of Eukaryan Caves)
7. Goff’s Bandits (north of Earthlord’s Gap)
8. Quarryside ( Triskellion Vale)
9. Triskell Quarry (north of Viathan’s Arm)
10. Krait’s Larder (Viathan’s Arm)
11. Barnaby’s Watch (south of Cavernhold Camp Waypoint)
12. Jannaj’s Bandits (Sojourner’s Way)
13. Uzolan’s Hideout (between Sojourner’s Way and Blackroot Cut)
14. Mafic Core (south of Cereboth Canyon)
15. Black Haven (Delanian Foothills)
16. Gort’s Pit (betwen Delanian Foothills and Darkwound Defile)
17. Garenhoff (Wizard’s Fief)
18. Isgarren’s View (Wizard’s Fief)