Key map acting crazy

Key map acting crazy

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kethnavia.4319


I was in the Henge of Denravi Borderland with many others attempting to take the water gate using my Engineer. I just hit F1 (ctl+f1 mapped for my mouse) for the heal and blasted it with my rocket boots with no issue (do this a lot for the AoE heal). As I was trying to make my way back after doing this, I was downed by AC fire. Then it got weird. I went to hit the rez attempt and my toon started to spam [bandage] in the green local chat. It did this enough to give me the message that my chat was repressed due to excessive messaging. When I attempted to WP back to our keep, it would take me back to were I was downed. When I hit the ESC key to try and log out, it minimized the game. Any attempt I made to type anything just wouldn’t work. So I manually killed the game and restarted my computer. After testing my keyboard and double checking my game mouse for any issues, I was in LA and decided to run test there and as soon as I did my keymapped F1, the game went crazy again. I did notice the names of NPC’s and crafting stations show up after I did this. This time I shut the computer down and restarted it. I have not had happen again so far. I have been running my current configuration for a month now and this was the first time it did this. As a precaution I removed any reference in the standard keymap for either ctrl key. Has this happened to anyone before and if so, what is the fix? All tests I do for my keyboard and mouse pass and it was only in GW that it did this

(edited by Kethnavia.4319)

Key map acting crazy

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Realist.5812


Sounds like your control key was stuck down.

- So clicking bandage would spam in chat
- Clicking waypoint would close the map and try to ping the waypoint in chat
- Names of NPC will show up if you don’t have the names always enabled
- Ctrl + Esc minimizes things the same as the windows key.

Best way to fix it as it happens is to press/whack the key again and it’ll stop being held down.

Take the key off and clean around the area with a damp cloth, since it’s probably sticky from food/drink/hair that’s accumulated down there.

PvP modes are the “endgame” in every MMO.
Stop failing at PvE, start fixing PvP/WvW. Thank you.

(edited by Realist.5812)

Key map acting crazy

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kethnavia.4319


Realist, thank you for your response and information. Unfortunately I do not use my keyboard Ctrl key for my bindings. I have a Logitech G600 mouse and the g-shift key acts as a control key, hence the key bind setup in GW2. It only gave me this issue when I did the Ctrl+F1 bind on the mouse. the Ctrl+F2 to F4 worked with no problems (in hindsight should have mention that). Be that as it may, everything you stated makes total sense. From your information it would seem the Logitech software glitch on me and would explain to me why the restart didn’t clear the issue. I have experience so many odd issues in WvW, that it kind of taints my thinking. Again Thank You.

Key map acting crazy

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ExTribble.7108


On the topic of Logitech and keybinds: I’ve found the software to be very glitchy at times with simple copy/paste functions, and generally anything using modifiers like Ctrl/Alt and I’ve had other issues on top of the ctrl appearing stuck. For example, I try copying text from a website, and the website’s source code appears (which I assume is a different hotkey than ctrl+c). Even if you separate the buttons like you appear to have it, it can still mess up and appears to be a software related issue. I recommend you keep modifiers out of your mouse/keyboard macro buttons and just reach for them on the keyboard.

I’ve experienced this problem both on my G600 mouse and G110 keyboard, so I blame the software :/ It doesn’t happen all the time, but it happens enough that I don’t bother with such functions anymore.

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