Kicked from Game at Tutorial

Kicked from Game at Tutorial

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SimpleCrow.5309


Hi, this has now happened to me four times now, once in the norn tutorial, and three times in the Charr tutorial. I enter the tutorial, and a new patch is announced, and there is still an hour left on the “Game will update in x-minutes” notification. When I get to the end of the tutorial, kill the big boss, and go through the cutscene, before it loads me into the starting map, it boots from the game and forcibly updates, which, because it boots me before the tutorial has technically finishes, forces me to completely redo the tutorial.

I’m normally very patient, but after having to do the tutorial eight times in a row on various characters (I was making different professions to test in PvP) my patience starts to run out.

Kicked from Game at Tutorial

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Max Durak.1358

Max Durak.1358

Well patch notifications were never accurate, and for you, starting new character right before patch, it’s just a bad luck. Please be patient.