Kill the Hydra Queen - Achievement bugged

Kill the Hydra Queen - Achievement bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: FlamingFoxx.1305


Just a few minutes ago I took part in the Bloodtide Coast meta event against the Covington Pirates and to kill Taidha Covington, unfortunately the achievement wasn’t registered

I started the event at the " Capture Taidha Covington’s southern defensive tower" stage and followed all the way though. The damage I dealt her WAS registering so I don’t think that was the issue.

I got a gold completion award at the end and I was able to open the chest and get that reward no problem. It’s just the achievement that didn’t log

Level 80 Sylvari Elementalist if that makes a difference.

Much appreciated if this could be looked into. I know it’s just an achievement, but I want my shinies.

(attached a screenshot showing both of the opened chest and the non-registered achievement – just so nobody decides to comment saying “try typing kill the hydra queen in the achievement search”-)


Kill the Hydra Queen - Achievement bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Otheym.3681


Pushing this back to the top in this thread as well. The achievement is still bugged. Got gold for event completion, got both the acct-bound daily chest and the glorious chest, no achievement

Kill the Hydra Queen - Achievement bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Doomguard.5094


Yes this achievement has been bugged for many for quite some time now, I myself and my friends got it when we killed the boss for the first time, but many have to redo the fight in order for it to register.

Kill the Hydra Queen - Achievement bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dreamer.1952


A few days ago I killed the Hydra Queen too and didnt got the achievment. I send a ticket to the support but didnt get a response. And now its 4 months that this thread is opened and that bug still exists. Sure for Anet its a minor bug, but well at least they could answere to the ticket.

Kill the Hydra Queen - Achievement bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Geekfox.4267


I think it’s a bug that is noted on the wiki page. Lionscout Jenny must be alive when taking down Taidha Covington, otherwise the achievement won’t register.

Kill the Hydra Queen - Achievement bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


I think it’s a bug that is noted on the wiki page. Lionscout Jenny must be alive when taking down Taidha Covington, otherwise the achievement won’t register.

Whatever the bug might be I am pretty sure it is not that. I got the achievement a while ago fighting Taidha with a friend. I got the achievement and he didn’t. Jenny couldn’t have been dead AND alive at the same time.

There might be some silly thing where you need a higher participation level to get the achievement than to get the rewards. Remember the bug with not getting enough credit for kills to get loot?

(edited by Khisanth.2948)

Kill the Hydra Queen - Achievement bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Got hit with this bug as well. Took part in the chain since the beginning of the “southern defensive tower”, dealt significant damage to Taidha, got gold participation medal and both chests. Didn’t get the achievement. I asked around, and some people in the same event did get it.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

Kill the Hydra Queen - Achievement bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vick.6805


A workaround that a guildie told me about is to have 1-2 people (preferably people who already have the achievement) babysit Lionscout Jenny until the event ends. For some reason, this event chain seems to bug out when she’s dead at certain points.

Hope that helps until ANet fixes it.

Kill the Hydra Queen - Achievement bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Queen Seravat.4217

Queen Seravat.4217

I have not gotten this either please fix


Kill the Hydra Queen - Achievement bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sybot.3768


Since this bug still seems to be a problem i’d like to ask if there’s a workaround for it? I participated in all parts of the event chain, dealt enough damage to get the reward chest but still didn’ get the “kill the hydra queen” achievement.
Tried it like 5 times already.

Kill the Hydra Queen - Achievement bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

Since this bug still seems to be a problem i’d like to ask if there’s a workaround for it? I participated in all parts of the event chain, dealt enough damage to get the reward chest but still didn’ get the “kill the hydra queen” achievement.
Tried it like 5 times already.

The event has been changed since this was first reported. Whatever was going on then probably has nothing to do with what’s going on now. I’d start by contacting support to get them to help you troubleshoot:

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”