Kill the Hydra Queen - Still Bugged?

Kill the Hydra Queen - Still Bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tenna Tulre.2076

Tenna Tulre.2076

This morning I went to do the Hydra Queen event and, though I got gold and the in-world and on-screen chests, did not get credit for the achievement. Other older threads have listed that you have to be standing at the chest for it to count (which I was), and others linked to the wiki where they claimed it said at that time you had to keep Lionguard Jenny alive, though that information has since been pulled from the wiki.

Are these still the case for the event? Or is there another bug/glitch happening? It would be great if someone from aNet could look into this.

Level 80 Mesmer, Ele, Engi
Co-Guild Leader | The Nefarious Legacies [TNL]
Henge of Denravi