Killin it for the rest of us...

Killin it for the rest of us...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SNAFU.2073


I notice when the person that enters the dungeon grabs the loot chest and exits and disbands from the party within seconds of opening,(after last boss) it kicks the entire group and keeps everyone from grabbing their rewards…please fix this asap this is very frustrating, whether they are aware they did it to the group or not, it’s selfish and it sucks to spend time in dungeons to get nothing at the end lol.

Killin it for the rest of us...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: AeroJavi.1687


It’s not a bug, and when reported to Arenanet, they say leave feature is discrectional and can be used as pleased. Even if it’s to keep you away from getting a chest after a whole kittening dungeon, and laugh at your face about it. So no, it’s not getting fixed.