Kiting Exploit

Kiting Exploit

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: raven.1523


I understand that kiting is a skill and should be a powerful tool to use, however I at level 15 while doing the Accusation quest as part of the human main chain was able to kite 8 or so level 16 mobs just by strafing around them in a circle and shooting and only was hit once.

I think that is a bit too much and perhaps the mobs need a little more adaptability.

Kiting Exploit

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: raven.1523


I suppose it could be just that quest that gave such a perfect scenario to do it since they were all melee type mobs, but the strategy seems to work with any melee mobs, just strafe around them in a circle shooting and they will always be one step behind you.

Kiting Exploit

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aeri.1452


While I could see this being an exploit at lower levels, I think it’s mainly because of the lower skills of the mobs at those levels. Once you get a bit higher, most melee mobs have some sort of skill to get to you while kiting, whether it be a charge-type skill, Pounce, teleports, or something else.

Whether these are actually effective or not is something else, but they do gain the ability to at least catch up to you for a short time. Even if you find a group of melee-only mobs to kite, you will almost always have multiple types of these skills present throughout the group, so it shouldn’t be much of a problem once you hit the mid levels.

Kiting Exploit

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: raven.1523


I see Aeri, this is my highest character so perhaps I haven’t seen tougher situations, good to know.
