LFG Dungeon Progress Loss

LFG Dungeon Progress Loss

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Hendrixius.6083


I gave the LFG tool a go today since the new Living Story is dungeon based, and the match-up went nicely at first.

Got in with a good group of players, friendly, worked together (even through a couple of wipes) and were progressing nicely. One member of our group disconnected a couple of times, and we waited for them to reconnect – we were probably a good 45 minutes to an hour into the dungeon (without spoiling too much, we had beaten the double boss fight) and our DCing member went offline again.

We waited in place for a few minutes – 5 or so – and finally decided he must have given up and was not returning. Someone initiated a vote-kick (I didn’t even vote) which quickly passed and then – boom – we were transported out of the dungeon, losing all of our progress even though 4 of the 5 remained in the group (it did not disband us).

This was – needless to say – a pretty horrible first experience with the LFG tool, and can’t possibly be an acceptable outcome for a vote-kick scenario.

It was very deflating and the group just disbanded as a couple of us did not have time to start over…

Anyway, thought I would file this here as it has left a bad taste in my mouth regarding the whole LFG tool. I broadcasted a warning on the /map channel just in case I might save someone else the pain and spoke with two players on Sorrow’s Furnace and in the same zone who had the exact same experience today while running the LS dungeon, so I would guess that many players experienced this bug.



LFG Dungeon Progress Loss

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: eLement.4785


There’s nothing wrong with the tool, it works fantastically well. The thing you guys did was to kick out the instance leader, which will always kick the whole group out of the instance. Has nothing to do with the LFG tool

LFG Dungeon Progress Loss

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Hendrixius.6083


I would argue that the very point you made is indeed a broken LFG tool. The system should be able to promote a new instance leader and not penalize the remaining party for one person’s issues.

One of the main points of the vote kick system is to give parties a viable option against trolls – and if someone wants to troll a group, they can simply start a party in LFG and then – when vote kicked – know that the rest of the party pays the price?

That sounds pretty broken to me…

(edited by Hendrixius.6083)