LFG Tool Abuse - improvements needed
Personally, I don’t think you should be able to sell those spots.
This is not a bug. things are working as intended.
I do not have a personal issue with people soloing (or duo-ing) paths and selling the other spots at the end. But it is not the goal of the game nor is it what the game is about. For regular dungeon groups the whole lfg-tool and the kick people if you dont want to play with them is working as intended.
If you want to sell paths, please feel free to do so (no exploiting allowed though), but understand that it is not something that the game is designed for. The game is made so you complete a dungeon with a group of five players from start to finish.
What you are proposing is only to protect path-sellers, but pathselling is controversial in the community (like Sligh demonstrated) and should not be promoted by the devs.
Also, as said, this is not a bug and this belongs in the general discussion section or the dungeon section.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Being able to kick the party-leader is not a bug hm? I may explain this. If you kick the party leader, every member of the group gets ported out of the instance. Any progress will be lost. Additionally, if you get kicked, your chat gets cleared, cause you leave a zone(the dungeon), so you can’t even report players who continue to abuse the LFG-Tool.
I may repeat this. There are players out there, who enjoy destroying parties. Just for the sake of being an a******.
Pls, tell me there is no need for improvement.
I think his idea of having people have to accept a person into their group is completely valid and would help more than just sellers. It would help people who want to be able to filter the types of players they get, be it by build, class, AP, or whatever they want. (Because, play how you want)
It’s not right for any reason, for someone to destroy another persons instance. Especially not because they feel like they’re being white knight savior of the people.
This absolutely resides in the right place, considering the obvious and blatant bug with party merging.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.