Lab squad merging with ATM group
Are ATM groups advertising in open world [squad] ? or in [party]?
Are ATM groups advertising in open world [squad] ? or in [party]?
Party tab
Are ATM groups advertising in open world [squad] ? or in [party]?
Party tab
Is it possible that someone in an existing squad is looking to add more bodies to their map and using the /party section instead of the /squad section of LFG? That would make this more of a L2P issue on their part, rather than a /bug in the tool.
It would also be an opportunity to suggest that the game should not allow parties to get merged with squads. There have been lots of times when a single member of my party joins a squad in e.g. Dragon’s Stand and those of us trying to remain in e.g. a dungeon get sucked into the same invite. I’d prefer to deal with the inconvenience of dropping a party to join a squad than the current annoyance of having my party merged into a squad by accident.