Lags and Login Server issues

Lags and Login Server issues

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Posted by: MarMaster.6241


Just been disconnected twice from the game after a series of wierd lags, with login server apparently going “afk”.

Others in guild report similar.

edit: I am on SFR.

Dragonbrand (JQ) [FIRE]bats ~ Trusted member of the Universe
Mar Steadfast G, Silent Intrigue T, Mar Fidget Engi, Mar Fierce W, Silent Awe M
In GW2 since BWE1 ~ ~ ~ Guild leader of Legio Romana [LR], too

(edited by MarMaster.6241)

Lags and Login Server issues

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Posted by: Navi.7142


At this moment I experience that, too!

Lags and Login Server issues

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Posted by: memox.8201


same thing here

Lags and Login Server issues

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Posted by: Chezzire.4326


Can’t log in either – says can’t access login server

Lags and Login Server issues

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Posted by: Bettan.3576


Yea, it started at the very very end of a looooong personal quest, I had maybe 10 more seconds to go, then.. poof.

House of Mirrors – Seafarer’s Rest

Lags and Login Server issues

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Posted by: Buttercup.5871


I’m in the Labyrinth right now, it’s unplayable. Everyone is experiencing it there. Extreme lag of 5 seconds or more. We just… die. We all kept dying, so everyone left. Can’t play like this. Server: Europe, SFR

Lags and Login Server issues

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Posted by: UndeadGeek.2148


Maybe a DDoS attack? But yeah lagging like hell fire.

Lags and Login Server issues

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Posted by: johnnymiller.5968


Looks like most people are experiencing the same (if not all). Might be a blessing with the lag. World vs world has become so popular the servers cannot handle the traffic….haha

Lags and Login Server issues

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Posted by: lunawisp.2378


Pretty much the same for me. I was in my personal story, got stuck in an endless loop for a few minutes before I got fed up and logged out. When I logged back in, I’m no longer in a guild, chat isn’t working and there’s about as much lag as I’ve ever seen in a game.

Found pottering around on Desolation (EU).
lunawisp was my peacebringer on City of Heroes – she lives on in memory as my gaming id.

Lags and Login Server issues

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Posted by: Blackhat.4016


Same here.

After 1 1/2h in FotM 40 no items for me. :/

Lags and Login Server issues

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Posted by: Blackhat.4016


The rest of my group didn’t have any lags though so I guess only some servers have the problem.

Lags and Login Server issues

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Posted by: The Scars of Time.6324

The Scars of Time.6324

Same for Whiteside Ridge. Major lag started, but it seemed more like my PC suddenly couldn’t handle the game. Other applications got slow as well, which was solved when I closed the game. It didn’t feel like the regular plain old lag anyway. Second time in the past month or so this happened.

Lags and Login Server issues

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Posted by: Navi.7142


I have massive party bugs, too.

Lags and Login Server issues

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Posted by: Lighthammer.3280


Looks like some expensive equipment is melting…

Lags and Login Server issues

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Posted by: MarMaster.6241


Back online, seems like it’s back to “normal”.

Dragonbrand (JQ) [FIRE]bats ~ Trusted member of the Universe
Mar Steadfast G, Silent Intrigue T, Mar Fidget Engi, Mar Fierce W, Silent Awe M
In GW2 since BWE1 ~ ~ ~ Guild leader of Legio Romana [LR], too

Lags and Login Server issues

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Posted by: comppi.7192


Also having trouble logging in.

But more than that my party screen broke, my guild screen broke and my friends list is broken as of now. Meaning that the guild screen shows me as the only member, party screen doesnt show anyone, invites come from unknown characters and friends list shows everyone offline.

The same problem has already been discussed here:

Anyone else experiencing this?

Lags and Login Server issues

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Navi.7142


Also having trouble logging in.

But more than that my party screen broke, my guild screen broke and my friends list is broken as of now. Meaning that the guild screen shows me as the only member, party screen doesnt show anyone, invites come from unknown characters and friends list shows everyone offline.

The same problem has already been discussed here:

Anyone else experiencing this?


Lags and Login Server issues

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: UmekPT.6987


I have the same issues aswell, no friends list for me , eveybody offline, and im the only person on the guild channel. Please solve this issue asap cause people wanna play the game.

Lags and Login Server issues

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Posted by: SchizoMunki.9632


Hey well i can’t say i have the Guild or Friend List issue … since i can’t get into the game at all. Got disconnected after some serious spikes about 2 or 3 hours ago, since then i have been unable to log in.

Lags and Login Server issues

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Posted by: Vespertilionidae.5018


Don’t think I’ve ever seen lag this bad outside of WvW 3 way fights over SM. It is pretty much unplayable (assuming one can connect to play that is).

Successful opportunism is often indistinguishable from a masterful plan.