Laptop shuts down on Arcana Obscura

Laptop shuts down on Arcana Obscura

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Headcase.4618


My laptop keeps shutting down on me during the first trial in Arcana Obscura. It has happened to my guardian twice on Tuesday and it has happened to me three times now today. Anyone else having this problem?

(edited by Headcase.4618)

Laptop shuts down on Arcana Obscura

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lazaar.9123


The particles used in the air during the trials are a bit more intensive than usual. Are you sure your laptop isn’t just overheating?

Laptop shuts down on Arcana Obscura

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Headcase.4618


It only overheated once in the Silverwastes about a month ago, but this also happened during Hidden Arcana as well while in Glint’s Lair.