Large Achievement Chest Bug
When your bag is full usually the item will show up on the right side asking you if you want to store the item as well as telling you your bags are full. This should have let you get rid of one more item to grab the chest to put in your bag. I would check your achievement panel where your skins are to see if it was stored there not really sure if a chest would store there or not if you can’t store it.
Other thing is I would hit options and click on report in-game. The devs have a pretty great system for bugs and a way to narrow them down to a specific bug that is happening for faster responses on the matter.
Same happened to me with the 3000 pt chest. Inventory was full. Got the vambraces and made room in my inventory for it, but no chest to open and no indication that I needed to make more room in my inventory for the chest.
This happened to me Yesterday as well on my 3000 point chest, I noticed that the bug was fixed during today’s update. Did anyone receive a replacement chest since the update, or is this something that Arenanet is not likely to do?
I didn’t get my 3500 point chest yet so i’m guessing no