Gate of Madness
Launcher Not connecting
Gate of Madness
same for me and the wife, been like this for over 2 hours now. sw AR usa. i did recently update to the newest nvidia graphics driver. but have also did a full system restore thinking it may be the new driver but to no avail. plz fix this!
p.s. GW 1 works, but cannot start GW2 the launcher says connection errors detected.
Have you tried a full modem/router reboot to see if that helps?
Can you make sure that your anti-virus and/or firewall are not blocking the game?
Perhaps you may need to remove and re-add the game to the anti-virus/firewall exceptions list to allow it access again. I’ve seen others have to re-create the exception in the past depending on what AV/FW you are using.
Also, close your game completely, ensure that your game is set to Run As Administrator in the shortcut’s Properties > Compatibility tab and then try again and see if that helps.
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No it’s a problem on their side. Just got kicked and cant relog s well. I Guess as soon as you’re kicked or now trying to log in u’ll fail.
Same thing here. When I can log in, I can’t do anything.
Just see the world…. the lag is HUGE!
And not just in-game. The GW2 site is also with the same problem.
Sometimes it works, sometimes don’t.
Did the reboot and also watched a Youtube video FullHD with no problem at all… :/
Ah, so it isn’t the normal connection error issue and is a sudden rise of a different issue.
Ashley Segovia commented here in the Tech Support forum requesting those who are suddenly experiencing this issue to submit a support ticket to gather more info on it.
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was having this same problem. after lots of messing around i finally got it fixed. it appears to be several factors combined. what i did to finally fix it was this. first turn firewall off. then do a cmd: ipconfig /flushdns , then go into your router configuration and reboot it.
after doing all these steps it fixed my problem, hope it helps you as well.
p.s. it seems this came about for me after installing the new nvidia driver today 331.82. but even after rolling back the driver and a system restore it still would not work. until i did the steps outlined above.