Laurels missing from monthly?
That sounds like a bug if completing the monthly doesn’t award your usual 10 laurels… don’t think I ever saw that advertised as an incoming change and definitely don’t see why that would happen either.
Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season
I finished my monthly today and the same thing happened…No 10 laurels.
Is this your second time doing the September monthly?
Yay they aneted another thing.
The lack of laurels makes doing the monthly almost not worth the hassle. The 500 luck is a drop in the bucket and won’t even move you 1% when you’re over 50% which isn’t too difficult to get. On top of that the Karma has gone down to 6000 total in one piddly cup instead of enough to just barely buy a single piece of Karma Temple Armor which newer players are going to be hurting for.
With the 21k cost on karma recipes and needing to buy quite a few for a full set you are adding plenty of karma sinks so this change is unneeded as you’ve also gutted any karma reward for failed events.
Please Stop making heavy handed, seemingly poorly thought out changes that affect the whole population (casuals as well as hard core) and sucking any desire to do anything in the game out of the game.
Suggestion (as I don’t like to not offer potential solutions)
- 1% or 2% luck per monthly completion, regardless of your current total.
- Bring laurels back (10/month)
- 25,000 karma instead of 45,000 (would take 2 months for an armor piece)
- Same Coins & Silver
I am hoping they were not stupid, but merely incompetent. Stupid would be removing them from the monthly, incompetent would not having the poor coding caught by the coder or qa before it went live.
As far as I can see they haven’t taken laurels away from the monthly.
There’s nothing in the patch notes.
Content Designer
Did you do the PvP monthly? Keep in mind that laurels are only rewarded once for either the PvE or PvP monthly, you can’t do both for laurels.
The people who dont recieve laurels is because the made the “previus 3 day” monthly already.
People who already got 10 laurels for the monthly are seriously complaining that they don’t get another 10 for it being bugged and giving them extra rewards?
I don’t want to live in this world anymore.
(I’m going to go live in SAB.)
Sorrow’s Furnace Commander
“You’re the mount, karka’s ride you instead, and thus they die happy!”-Colin Johanson
The people who dont recieve laurels is because the made the “previus 3 day” monthly already.
Those of my guildmates who had done the monthlys before the patch that reset them/fixed them got the 10 laurels from the first set but not the second set, Whereas other guildmates who didn’t complete the 3 day set got their 10 laurels after the patch.
I’d assume this is intended. Considering that when laurels first launched, the first month they were around you could get 20 for the first month (pve and spvp monthlys) anet most likely checked or introduced a fix for this previous oversight.