League Elite bug

League Elite bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Grenth.6541



I have been legendary in pvp for more then a week now and when i looked at my achievements (Year of Ascension part 4) the achievement League Elite shows me 3/4 Division thresholds crossed.

Can this be fixed before this season ends so that i can go on with making my back piece?

PS anyone els have this bug ?

(edited by Grenth.6541)

League Elite bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Unholey.3264


Have you crossed at least 10 division thresholds total between seasons one and two? If not, then it is not a bug and you haven’t crossed the required amount. You cross one, then 2 more, then three more, then four more — not four total, if that’s what you were thinking.