Legendary Dreamer Sound Issues

Legendary Dreamer Sound Issues

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Grundle.7302


Sept. 29th patch broke the Dreamer aura (nay) sound when you fire the bow. It was fixed the next day on the 30th with the volume increased. The increase was a great intended/unintended fix. Thanks Anet! But a day or so later, the sound for the bow no longer works for some players, but works for others? I’m hearing this from several people I test this with. Some people, it works for, others don’t hear the bow like myself, the owner of the bow. Any suggestion?

Update 1: Tried -repair in cmd line, didn’t fix it.
Update 2: I can get it to work when players are not around me (more than 5m away) When around a group of players, it’s goes silent. Could it be a side effect of the instrument fix patch on the 29th?

(edited by Grundle.7302)

Legendary Dreamer Sound Issues

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: khorren.3702


I too had completely silent Dreamer on the 29th, on the 30th it seemed to be okay. Since then, and I can’t pin-point which build since I got a few of them at once, The Dreamer is not making neighs again.

When I’m in a quiet area it seems fine. Both the sound effects and the streamers/trail. But when I get around people there’s no effects.

Like OP I have tried the -repair command but nothing. Have tried jiggling my sound settings both in game and out of game to see if that will trip anything back to working normally, but nah. Seems to be directly based on the people around me, which kinda sucks.


Jade Quarry :: [BPA] :: [SF]