Legendary Medium Chest Armor Bugged

Legendary Medium Chest Armor Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: I Forgot.1684

I Forgot.1684

Reporting two items that share the same issue.

Item 1: Perfected Envoy Jerkin
Item 2: Radiant Hauberk

Gender: Male
Race: Human
Armor weight: Medium
Armor slot: Chest

Issue: The Perfected Envoy Jerkin (legendary medium chest armor) and the Radiant Hauberk (medium chest armor) both seem to cut of the shoulders of my character as well as reduce the circumference of his arms significantly. The bust of the armor also seems to be pushed inward a little, making his chest look small and weak.

Below, I have posted two pictures. In the first picture, you can see the two armor pieces listed above. In the second picture you can see several other form fitting medium armor pieces which do not have the same issue noted above.
