Legendary Prec bugs [Merged]
Anet i’m going crazy over here trying to finish my T3 Bolt collection. I have EVERYTHING needed to make Bolt, I just need to finish this last pre collection so i can progress. Please fix this, ive waited long enough =\ especially after ive realized that if I had not done the collection and spent an extra 200g I could have just bought it off the tp :’(
Probably won’t see a fix for this or the other precursor bugs for awhile. Anet most likely put them on the back burner and is prioritizing other bugs first considering the last time this thread was responded to by an anet staff was 11 days ago. Sad that some of us have waited a year or more for precursor crafting only to have to wait even longer.
It is what it is I suppose. It can be frustrating and even somewhat disheartening to go through all that effort only to be stopped by a bug with no knowledge of when it will get fixed or if it’s even known/being worked on.
That being said I think the team that worked on the precursor crafting did a great job and I really enjoyed doing it up until the two bugged collection items for zap.
I totally agree. It wouldn’t be to bad if we were to get an update on some of these bugs. Maybe an ETA for a patch to fix it so I don’t run to these points ever time there is a new patch.
Even with such commotion and so many ppl wrtiting posts here, we didn’t get fix. I guess they’re focusing on game engine and server issues for now (I haven’t had as much many crashes myself, but see thier point). IMHO the best way would be make one person responsible for this matter, because most buggs are easely fixable (I think; only 2 achis for bolt and it is one interaction with hero point, simmilar bugs on other precs).
Anet please, we are 2 weeks after launch and had only one generic response. At least tell us when you want to solve this problem, cause everyday logging, searching for patchnotes only to be dissapointed is not helping.
Bashing Bauxite A;chemicals inquest lab event in Malchor’s Leap is broken, Agent Bodd either never spawns, or spawns inside the lab itself, making it impossible to start
I’ve not seen this mentioned while skimming through this thread. But here’s another bug to add to the collection of broken stuff.
Twilight: Dusk III
Breach Copper Gloom
It seems that it’s impossible to loot this from Red Copper Husk. I’ve tried several times and still nothing.
There’s also a few issues with naming of various mini-dungeon locations. The dungeon names are right, but check them on the wiki if you’re not sure where they are as for example Lair of the Coil isn’t in Mount Maelstrom. And Sloven Pitch is in Fireheart Rise, not Frostgorge Sound
I’ve yet to also look gloom from Grenth, but I don’t know if this is a bug, or if I’ve missed something, but so far, Copper is not working at all.
Was able to get into a map with Bashing Bauxite working, there is hope for this one. Now if only i can find Scarlet’s Prototype Mechanism.
Kudau III
Still just missing compost from heirloom seed pouches. Been one piece away for about a week now and would really appreciate it if it could get fixed.
hello I need help with the following items if any of you can help me thank :
decryted weapon research
Scarlat prototype mechanism
Thank you so much
Anet i’m going crazy over here trying to finish my T3 Bolt collection. I have EVERYTHING needed to make Bolt, I just need to finish this last pre collection so i can progress. Please fix this, ive waited long enough =\ especially after ive realized that if I had not done the collection and spent an extra 200g I could have just bought it off the tp :’(
Probably won’t see a fix for this or the other precursor bugs for awhile. Anet most likely put them on the back burner and is prioritizing other bugs first considering the last time this thread was responded to by an anet staff was 11 days ago. Sad that some of us have waited a year or more for precursor crafting only to have to wait even longer.
It is what it is I suppose. It can be frustrating and even somewhat disheartening to go through all that effort only to be stopped by a bug with no knowledge of when it will get fixed or if it’s even known/being worked on.
That being said I think the team that worked on the precursor crafting did a great job and I really enjoyed doing it up until the two bugged collection items for zap.
Curious of what you mean by “doing a great job” is.
1. Messing up the market due to extreme material sink on certain low tier ores.
(They’re too lazy to calculate a more diverse and complicated way of spreading the cost, and just straight up use Deldrimor, Spirit Wood, Elonian as a way to increase the cost to match or exceed TP price of Precusors)
2. Almost ALL of the Precursor crafting has problems in first part or last part. No exception according to my knowledge.
They seem untested and inconsiderate (of inflation), like a last-minute thing that’s rushed out. If that’s great job to you, I find that you really have low expectation.
Weird… I finished my Zap 1 without any problems. Haven’t seen any with Kraitkin or Kamohoali’i Kotaki either.
Haven’t looked really at others tbh
Weird… I finished my Zap 1 without any problems. Haven’t seen any with Kraitkin or Kamohoali’i Kotaki either.
Haven’t looked really at others tbh
How about Zap 3 then?
I did say part 1 OR part 3.
Did you actually finish any of them or just part 1?
Ofc I haven’t been though all precusors obviously (because it’s irrational to do so under the current price), but according to this thread and reddit, almost all of them have bug that blocks people’s progress. Some got fixed already, and most haven’t.
(edited by Aomine.5012)
Weird… I finished my Zap 1 without any problems. Haven’t seen any with Kraitkin or Kamohoali’i Kotaki either.
Haven’t looked really at others tbhHow about Zap 3 then?
I did say part 1 OR part 3.
Did you actually finish any of them or just part 1?
Ofc I haven’t been though all precusors obviously (because it’s irrational to do so under the current price), but according to this thread and reddit, almost all of them have bug that stuck people’s progress. Some got fixed already, and most haven’t.
Fair enough. I missed the ‘last part’ of your first message. Nah, haven’t completed Zap III.
The Bifrost tier 3: Expreriencing the Crystal is bugged?
Zap 3, blocked for 2 weeks.
Its like investing money without any kind of return on it, buying it straight would have been ever better, especially considering the small economic win between craft and buy.
DO NOT waste your time/xp/gold on legendary crafting. Practically every precursor is bugged and not able to be finished. There has not been any response from aNet in regards to when (and if) these things will be fixed.
Kudau III
Still just missing compost from heirloom seed pouches. Been one piece away for about a week now and would really appreciate it if it could get fixed.
Yes, Anet. Kindly fix this Kudzu III bug. Compost is the last thing I need to move forward with this legendary crafting.
The Lover: Possible bug. I’ve been hacking up risen in Malchor’s Leap, and Cursed Shore for several hours now (including yesterday) and have yet to see a Black Pearl.
I dropped one several days ago. Don’t know if it th drop rate was affected by patches after.
Non-blocking bug for Bifrost I (can’t remember if s.o. mentioned it already) : The five star pieces you get from Jotuns didn’t assemble when I went to the Leaning Grade stones. I still got the achievement and when I went to Heimdahl’s Last Stand with my non-existent Jotun Star (meaning: with my five pieces) after, I got the final achievement and the Chest of Ancient Mysticism.
Haven’t opened it yet, though, and wouldn’t mind if my 5 star pieces could transform in a Jotun Star, it takes room (and I don’t know if I can sell that now or not).
and we’re NOT recruiting ^^
It’s been two weeks !!!
When are you going to fix precursor collection bugs?
Personally I’m stuck @ Bolt III 93% completion.
- Luminates plant bugged.
- Strange energy source bugged.
I’m sick of this not being addressed !!!
Even more sick and tired of you not saying / telling us anything about it.
Precursor crafting is one of the BIG reasons I bought the expansion, my progress is blocked, I’ve spent almost 1000g and STILL cannot finish it because you think, what, it is not a priority ?
Heads up, precursor crafting IS expansion content !!!
I don’t want to be rude, I know you’re busy and all that but I’m running out of patience.
HATE: Jumping puzzles.
Like a lots of people, I’m stuck at Bolt III 93% completion.
- Luminates plant bugged => can’t use a charged cristal
- Strange energy source bugged => can’t use a charged cristal
Please fix it asap !
Can we please get a response???
Can we please get a response???
It’s the weekend. No one is working now. Wait till monday. Then maybe we can have some light shed on this topic. (Hopefully)
Twilight T1
I can’t get Research Destruction because it’s bug
I cant’ get Modniir’s Ruin because it’s bug
I can’t get even get Malchor’s Demise because Dwayna’s Temple is always defended….
How can I get the precusor if I can’t get it completed?? gg ANet
Can we please get a response???
It’s the weekend. No one is working now. Wait till monday. Then maybe we can have some light shed on this topic. (Hopefully)
Have some light shed on this topic … Good one, sir.
Pre-Storm, Antagonist Captivity.
Did event for saving zephyrites in dry top cave, no reward.
Very last one I’ve needed for the second day now is the grenth temple for Twilight 3. Seems you can only do it when taking the temple, and as it stands it gets defended 100% of the time. Even asked people to let it fail but to no avail. So like idk wait for server reset i guess?
Very last one I’ve needed for the second day now is the grenth temple for Twilight 3. Seems you can only do it when taking the temple, and as it stands it gets defended 100% of the time. Even asked people to let it fail but to no avail. So like idk wait for server reset i guess?
Having this same problem with Temple of Lyssa, the Quaggan event in Moogooloo and the Graal tribes vs. Charr event up North. They require locations to be taken, and people are constantly defending them…
Legendary Weapons Bolt I: The Experimental Sword Scholar Nabbi Achievement NPC either the event resets once a day or its bugged
Tier 1 Bolt – Intricately Carved Orrian Relic, the event is bugged out most everytime i’ve gone to do it, or it’s completed and you cannot talk to the npc. Also is kudzu tier 1 supposed to cost more than if you just bought the precursor outright? 40 spiritwood planks and 45 elonian leather squares … seems a rather stupid way to gate something considering this was supposed to just be a grind rather than a gold sink. I’d rather see you ask 500,000 karma for an item than that crap.
Tier 1 Twilight: Bauxite Alchemists last event: boss Golem V is always behind the wall, doing nothing, event nowhere, cant finish it
Pre-Storm, Antagonist Captivity.
Did event for saving zephyrites in dry top cave, no reward.
That’s the wrong event. There is another event a little bit south of the cave, you need to break into the Inquest base and save the Zephyrites there. However, Industrial Espionage and Quaggan Freedom are bugged as far as I can tell.
(edited by Ethan.7549)
Meteorlogicus III:
Quaggan Freedom: The Rescue Event doesnt give the Trophy ( but it gives the one for Sunrise Prec )
Industial Espionage: The Portmatt Jumping Puzzle doenst give the Trophy whatsoever.
However, Industrial Espionage and Quaggan Freedom are bugged as far as I can tell.
^ yep. I can confirm.
(edited by Luthi.3061)
Howler, vol 3.
I’m not getting my trophies when i’m kneeling at wolfpaw shrine or leopardshadow shrine in lornar’s pass..so frustrating.
Howler, vol 3.
I’m not getting my trophies when i’m kneeling at wolfpaw shrine or leopardshadow shrine in lornar’s pass..so frustrating.
IIRC someone said you need to do it at the ones in Dredgehaunt Cliffs, so you could try that.
Rodgort III : Tar Elemental Core . Says “looted from a fallen tar elemental”. I have killed hundreds of tar elemental and veteran tar elemental in Fireheart Rise and Cursed Shores and this item has not dropped. Spent several hours killing them with nothing.
Tier 1 Bolt – Intricately Carved Orrian Relic, the event is bugged out most everytime i’ve gone to do it, or it’s completed and you cannot talk to the npc. Also is kudzu tier 1 supposed to cost more than if you just bought the precursor outright? 40 spiritwood planks and 45 elonian leather squares … seems a rather stupid way to gate something considering this was supposed to just be a grind rather than a gold sink. I’d rather see you ask 500,000 karma for an item than that crap.
Actually its suppose to be a bit of both, the precursor collections arent meant to make it wildly cheaper.
Meteorlogicus precursor bugs:
1) Quaggan Rescue in Kessex Hills event does not exist in game. There is an event that lets you rescue quaggan from kraits but the achievement specifies an old wuest thay used to be in the game.
2) Fireheart Rise achievement, unite the grawl. Events are not occurring. Every once in awhile one will pop. It will say one tribe has united then go to none have united.
Keessex specifies Moogooloo area, so the hint really refers to the event that was taken from the game. And so can not be done.
For Fireheart Rise. Although with the latter I had all 3 tribes and shaman united. There are already friendly npc’s at the event and therefor the Centurion doesn’t show. The defend event (where the npc’s would die and be replaced by Flame Legion, does not ever fail ( At least not the whole sunday or at 5am in the morning on Monday where there were no other players around and the grawl weren’t enlisted to help out.
Tier 1 Bolt – Intricately Carved Orrian Relic, the event is bugged out most everytime i’ve gone to do it, or it’s completed and you cannot talk to the npc. Also is kudzu tier 1 supposed to cost more than if you just bought the precursor outright? 40 spiritwood planks and 45 elonian leather squares … seems a rather stupid way to gate something considering this was supposed to just be a grind rather than a gold sink. I’d rather see you ask 500,000 karma for an item than that crap.
Dawn cost 100 Deldrimor Steel ingot, in addition to lots of extra iron/platinum/mithirl/orichalum/additional materials.
The total cost easily exceeds 1300g.
The TP price of Dawn is 700~800g.
Go do the math.
Seriously, there’s no merit to defend this system at all.
Whoever do so are completely clueless and does not know what he’s talking about at all when it comes to this new scamming/rip-off precursor crafting.
If we add the time investment for the scavenger hunt and the time for waiting for bug fix, the potential cost easily exceed 1500g. (Since you can very likely use these extra time earning money) Twice the amount of the price on TP.
(edited by Aomine.5012)
Anet i’m going crazy over here trying to finish my T3 Bolt collection. I have EVERYTHING needed to make Bolt, I just need to finish this last pre collection so i can progress. Please fix this, ive waited long enough =\ especially after ive realized that if I had not done the collection and spent an extra 200g I could have just bought it off the tp :’(
Probably won’t see a fix for this or the other precursor bugs for awhile. Anet most likely put them on the back burner and is prioritizing other bugs first considering the last time this thread was responded to by an anet staff was 11 days ago. Sad that some of us have waited a year or more for precursor crafting only to have to wait even longer.
It is what it is I suppose. It can be frustrating and even somewhat disheartening to go through all that effort only to be stopped by a bug with no knowledge of when it will get fixed or if it’s even known/being worked on.
That being said I think the team that worked on the precursor crafting did a great job and I really enjoyed doing it up until the two bugged collection items for zap.
Curious of what you mean by “doing a great job” is.
1. Messing up the market due to extreme material sink on certain low tier ores.
(They’re too lazy to calculate a more diverse and complicated way of spreading the cost, and just straight up use Deldrimor, Spirit Wood, Elonian as a way to increase the cost to match or exceed TP price of Precusors)2. Almost ALL of the Precursor crafting has problems in first part or last part. No exception according to my knowledge.
They seem untested and inconsiderate (of inflation), like a last-minute thing that’s rushed out. If that’s great job to you, I find that you really have low expectation.
“Doing a great job” to me is when I have fun acquiring something that previously had no value or meaning to me other than just another piece I needed to make a cool looking weapon. I made frostfang a year or so ago and honestly it just felt like a huge money sink for something that looked cool, which is fine. Obviously something that looks awesome should have a high price tag or everyone would be running around with it, which leads me to my next point.
A LOT of people commenting in this thread and others on the forums complaining about the price. While I can agree with you that they may have been able to do a better job on spreading the cost to other materials rather than just 70 Deldrimor or Spirit wood etc. to avoid inflation of those materials it will eventually steady out and the market will adjust. I assume precursor crafting will be 100-200g cheaper. Honestly precursor crafting is exactly where it should be. The price should stay around the same if not slightly cheaper while letting people do “quests” to feel like they earned the item rather than earning the gold for the item. It’s really exactly what we asked for years ago when the topic was brought up.
THAT BEING SAID I am getting rather annoyed with the lack of ArenaNet response on this topic. If we don’t at least get a reply on this by Monday i’m going to take a break from the game. This is expansion content that has been broken for over two weeks now.
Bumping back to the front page.
Possible bug on Minstrel I:
Cannot get Drottot’s Poached Egg recipe because Drottot doesn’t turn into a merchant.
No quest for him even after hours of waiting.
I have some issues with some of the legendary collections:
1. Moot – it requires the Giant Shark to appear which is and event that requires 2 events in timberline falls to fail for it to appear. Aren’t events meant to succeed? if so in order to get this collection, players have to fail intentionally to get this collection. To top it all, there are other players who need to do events and you cannot block them from participating nor get angry too much for letting them do what the design is supposed to let them do.
2. Minstrel – Orrian Chicken Egg. Again, same predicament. if you succeed the event you get to buy a part for the Predator. if you fail, you get a chance to be egged by the vet orrian chicken. Guess, what players choose…
3. Predator – Scarlet’s secret lab : Part cannot be found.
– Decrypting the console at bloodtide : computer logs out after being ordered to decrypt.
4. Kraitkin – Although it is not a bug or design problem, but who has a lot of time to wait and chance when the dune soarer to appear. It is a timed boss which is very hard to kill, it is a boss where it can appear anywhere in the prospect valley area and it has no time schedule which could mean it could not appear for weeks. To be fair this is not a balanced achievement collection compared to the other legendaries. I feel that this collection is better at vol 3 than 1
A general issue is that junk is piling up on inventory. there are items that are already in the collection that you still keep getting, there are no further details if they are useable elsewhere or just junk. like the ore for the incinerator, red iris flower (you can pick up multiple ones after leave one for gwen), flowers for kudzu (not sure what to do with them)
I am not truly complaining but I am requesting the devs to take a look on some of the items in the collection and reconsider. Maybe put alternatives like the undead shark for the spear you can get it at straits of devastation (where 9/10 it is ignored and you as well) or sparkfly (where in 7/10 times just 1 map message people come rushing to you)
Has anyone heard anything with Meteorlogicus III: Save the quaggin quest…?
Meteorlogicus precursor bugs:
1) Quaggan Rescue in Kessex Hills event does not exist in game. There is an event that lets you rescue quaggan from kraits but the achievement specifies an old wuest thay used to be in the game.
2) Fireheart Rise achievement, unite the grawl. Events are not occurring. Every once in awhile one will pop. It will say one tribe has united then go to none have united.
Keessex specifies Moogooloo area, so the hint really refers to the event that was taken from the game. And so can not be done.
For Fireheart Rise. Although with the latter I had all 3 tribes and shaman united. There are already friendly npc’s at the event and therefor the Centurion doesn’t show. The defend event (where the npc’s would die and be replaced by Flame Legion, does not ever fail ( At least not the whole sunday or at 5am in the morning on Monday where there were no other players around and the grawl weren’t enlisted to help out.
Jumped into a fireheart rise map this evening when Tequatl was going on, there were foes at the altar, so rallied the 3 grawl groups. After a while, pre-event started. Killed those foes. Then Centurion spawned. After kill. I got the reward. Probably i was lucky, but it did work this time.
Just left is Moogooloo. Killing Krait Witch and exploring the cave, did not get me the desired token.
Afterwards an event spawned to free Quaggan little guys, this event did also not get me the token. It did however count towards Sunrise.
Also both events don’t take place at Moogooloo, but rather in the middle of Viathan Lake. There seems no event at all going on at Moogoolo except for some events up top with Centaurs
Meteorlogicus precursor bugs:
1) Quaggan Rescue in Kessex Hills event does not exist in game. There is an event that lets you rescue quaggan from kraits but the achievement specifies an old wuest thay used to be in the game.
2) Fireheart Rise achievement, unite the grawl. Events are not occurring. Every once in awhile one will pop. It will say one tribe has united then go to none have united.
Keessex specifies Moogooloo area, so the hint really refers to the event that was taken from the game. And so can not be done.
For Fireheart Rise. Although with the latter I had all 3 tribes and shaman united. There are already friendly npc’s at the event and therefor the Centurion doesn’t show. The defend event (where the npc’s would die and be replaced by Flame Legion, does not ever fail ( At least not the whole sunday or at 5am in the morning on Monday where there were no other players around and the grawl weren’t enlisted to help out.
Jumped into a fireheart rise map this evening when Tequatl was going on, there were foes at the altar, so rallied the 3 grawl groups. After a while, pre-event started. Killed those foes. Then Centurion spawned. After kill. I got the reward. Probably i was lucky, but it did work this time.
Just left is Moogooloo. Killing Krait Witch and exploring the cave, did not get me the desired token.
Afterwards an event spawned to free Quaggan little guys, this event did also not get me the token. It did however count towards Sunrise.
Also both events don’t take place at Moogooloo, but rather in the middle of Viathan Lake. There seems no event at all going on at Moogoolo except for some events up top with Centaurs
The quaggan quest you did is not the same as the other one we’re looking for, yes the one you did was a pre requisite for the next quest save the quaggan babbies, but the one that we’re referring to is when the krait actually invades the village, then the next quest follows saving them from shackles and such… two different quests
I know, but the krait invading the village quest is removed (according to wiki).
Just saying which quests do spawn, that aren’t in the area hinted from the tooltip.
Just in case anet intended another event and we get that reply when they look into it
So yeah. Event not happening. Also Industrial Espionage isn’t triggering for me (different token)
Evening, my partner is trying to get the Leaf Of Kudzu, and is at Tier 1. He got the collection, and unlocked the recipe. He has a main and a crafting character. So, acquired recipe (account bound) on his main, then tried to craft on his secondary, but his secondary does not have a legendary component section in Huntsman (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Experimental_Longbow_String https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Experimental_Longbow_Stave). Are we missing something?
I know, but the krait invading the village quest is removed (according to wiki).
Just saying which quests do spawn, that aren’t in the area hinted from the tooltip.
Just in case anet intended another event and we get that reply when they look into itSo yeah. Event not happening. Also Industrial Espionage isn’t triggering for me (different token)
I have been waiting for one single item for more then a week now and it is from Quaggan Freedom.
The Fireheart Rise event has nothing to do with joining the tribes but rather killing the Centurion(WupWup tribe doesnt give a rats kitten about the pact aparently and event never starts), so focus on finding a map where the event of taking over the Atrox hasn’t succeeded, and the centurion is still alive since I got it that way.
Industrial Espionage its literally solving the jumping puzzle and in the end near the chest is the item you need. It is complicated and needs some work to insert the right coordinates but its perfectly doable. (I feel that its unfair to complain about this one, just google for a Jumping Puzzle guide guys…)
So as far as I can tell the Metereologicus collections have some bugs but so far the only one who is literally impossible to find a fix or work around is the Quaggan Freedom one… because the event DOESN’T exist….
Not gonna bother insist on this anymore. Last post…
It IS a huge game breaking problem, players like me who invested their week and savings in this quest and in preparing the mats for the Legendary are stuck without an answer and no coin to invest in other collections. The hype of getting a new legendary and play with it through some of the endgame is kinda gone by now…
It is an easy fix… Change the tooltip and the event code and replace it for the one of the event who runs after the Blood Witch…or just add it to the vendor of Mooggolo simple as that… One maintains the idea of the item and the 2nd presumes the village is free from Krait. (even if no one is attacking it but who cares, I did the event when the tower of Nightmares was there so I saved them in a past life )
I ask for 5m of someone in Anet to fix this…..
Ps: I can safely say in name of all of GW2 community that I dont mind if you update the game every 2h. Just dont’t let convenience of releasing a bigger patch be the reason to let such things go unfixed for so long. Its not worth it…
Im out and ill keep logging in for my rewards and checking the patch notes until I see anything was solved. Thanks…
Sincerly xoxoxox
Evening, my partner is trying to get the Leaf Of Kudzu, and is at Tier 1. He got the collection, and unlocked the recipe. He has a main and a crafting character. So, acquired recipe (account bound) on his main, then tried to craft on his secondary, but his secondary does not have a legendary component section in Huntsman (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Experimental_Longbow_String https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Experimental_Longbow_Stave). Are we missing something?
If this recepie is same as others I have to disappoint you. Yes, recepies are account bound which means that if you get one as a drop on one of your characters you can later give it to the other one. But once you use/open it it is available only for that one character. And that is what happened with your leaf of kudzu recepie. They are opened on your main but not on your other character I think you’re gonna have to buy another one, sorry.
Anet! I’ve been such a good girl! I’ve been waiting for this since you announced HoT expansion, saving all materials and gold. And now I’m just stuck at that 3rd Kudzu collection waiting for someone to tell me that, yes, miracles do happen and they got that not-existing compost to drop from their one-millionth heirloom seed pouch for many players this indeed is a big deal and a big part of Hot! Can we at least get a small reply with “Yes, we acknowledge that there is a problem and we will get to it when possible” we don’t need miracles, we just need to know you are noticing what’s happening. Thank you
Industrial Espionage its literally solving the jumping puzzle and in the end near the chest is the item you need. It is complicated and needs some work to insert the right coordinates but its perfectly doable. (I feel that its unfair to complain about this one, just google for a Jumping Puzzle guide guys…)
I don’t know what you mean with near the chest. I completed the puzzle. Yes i used the wiki document. And i’m on the Test Platform 325 with the chest.
Near the chest, there is a Data Recorder and some kind of nameless console.
Interacting with Data Recorder, gets you Entry 555, then some text, Continue, Continue, Leave
The console gives you:
Decrypt Research Data? Yes / Leave
The chest itself gives loot.
Nothing i described above gives the Industrial Espionage item and there’s nothing else you can interact with.
Ok. I tried again. On Other characters on same account and on a different account.
1) Ranger, Account1, “Decrypt Data” as message from Console
2) Mesmer, no world completion, Account2, “Transmit coordinates to gate calibration mainframe? Okay/Leave message” from Console
3) Mesmer, Account1, “Decrypt Data” as message from Console
4) Revenant, Account 1, “Decrypt Data” as message from Console
The 2nd account doesn’t have 3rd tier on Storm unlocked, so obviously didnt get reward, but that is the option we are looking for. I did the puzzle a year ago on account1, i don’t know if that has anything to do with it? It seems the only common denominator