Level 38 Fractal - Bug on Mai Trin
Game Designer
Thanks for the report. We are aware of this issue and it should be fixed in an upcoming patch. The issue is caused by regen being applied by poison. For now, if you avoid poisoning her, that will prevent the regen from being applied, and you should not encounter this issue. This is obviously a temporary solution until the fix makes it live.
FYI: Looked had this happen to me.
Happened right after barrage phase 2.
The speculation is we had a couple poison sources, which probably left her in regen at the start of barrage phase 2 (Level 38 converts poison to regen). Once we got damage on her after that barrage, she called for a barrage from Horrik, but remained down among us.
We were able to finish, but we were vaguely under the impression that regen did not cause her to re-enter barrage phases, which is exactly what that looked like.
//Portable Corpse
Yikes. I’m glad we ended up with the Jade Maw last night when we ran level 38. We kept having someone using poison (not to mention confusion and chill…argh) during that run and we probably would have ended up with this bug.
Yea I tried again with another group set up, no one had poison and it worked fine, we got her again on levle 38 >.> bad luck sigh