Leveling+Map Complete ==> Diminished Return

Leveling+Map Complete ==> Diminished Return

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Hologramx.6402


I was leveling my alt (level 28) in Diessa Plateau while completing the map. I have done this zone 3 times already so I know how to finish Renown Hearts quickly. I only repeated 2 or 3 events each once (most events are just abandoned and hardly anyone joining me) and after 6 hours or so in this zone (only 30 minutes for a break), I find myself hitting DR when I still have a few hearts left. And all these DRs (3 events in a row) came from event I have not yet done today.

The DR algorithm needs to be reworked because this is just insane. Leveling + Map Complete without a single thought of farming or repeating any event (simply did them when I had to pass the same location again), and actually I have skipped a few events which is hard to solo, then I got this DR punishment.

Leveling = Farming = Bot?

The current DR system is hurting many innocent players seriously.

(edited by Hologramx.6402)

Leveling+Map Complete ==> Diminished Return

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Pennry.9215


Playing the game for six hours = farming = possible bot

Leveling+Map Complete ==> Diminished Return

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Moderator.9672



Since this thread is not about a game bug, it will now be locked.

Thanks for your understanding and contributions.