Ley-Energy Matter Converter allows you to get 1 free key for one of 4 new maps for free from first tab and some random stuff from other.
1 tab is dedicated for one of 3 new currencies. Allows you to buy random stuff and also 10 of other currency. Each thing cost 25 tokens. You can of course buy 1 thing per tab.
To unlock 3 tabs beside first, you need to buy Essence from vendor on map currency is used on. It costs 100 tokens.
The thing is, after you buy essence and unlock tab, it resets and next day you need to buy essence again.
I don’t think it makes sense looking at the fact that you have to work quite hard to earn tokens on each map. I wouldn’t spend 25 tokens everyday unless its something good. 125? Its half the price of exotic insignia or inscription i need. Its never going to be worth it.
Is this intended? And if it is not and will get fixed, any chance we will get tabs unlocked for currencies we already bough Essence for?