Lifetime survivor stuck at 495k/500k xp

Lifetime survivor stuck at 495k/500k xp

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Posted by: ecad.9085


This really sucks… Lifetime survivor achievement, which is 500k xp without dying has been stuck for me at 495k xp.

And no I have not died.

(edited by ecad.9085)

Lifetime survivor stuck at 495k/500k xp

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Posted by: Jeffrey Vaughn

Jeffrey Vaughn

Content Designer


Have you switched map? I believe the achievement wants you to earn the XP in one map w/o dying, moving maps, logging out, etc.

Lifetime survivor stuck at 495k/500k xp

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Posted by: Lori.6571


Wouldn’t DR and your bot detection efforts make this something most players would studiously try to avoid doing so as to receive some meaningful drops while also not risking being mistaken for a bot?

Lifetime survivor stuck at 495k/500k xp

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Posted by: Jeffrey Vaughn


Jeffrey Vaughn

Content Designer


You don’t have to stay in one tiny area and repeat the same event (or other content) over and over. Running around an entire map and doing different events, hunting different creatures, etc. is unlikely to kick in DR or make anyone think you’re a bot.

Lifetime survivor stuck at 495k/500k xp

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Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

Why is it that way, though? That doesn’t make sense to me. Why can’t I get “lifetime survivor” by beating all 3 paths of a rather challenging dungeon without dying? Why must I run around in circles in a zone gaining a pittance of experience to earn it? It is an achievement based on survival; why are we being funneled into doing it in such a way that wastes time rather than being allowed to do it in a manner better suited to how we choose to play the game? Experience is experience, after all.

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Lifetime survivor stuck at 495k/500k xp

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Posted by: Death Reincarnated.3570

Death Reincarnated.3570

As pointed out above by Jefferey Vaughn, logging out, moving to a different zone and dying (being in ‘downed’ state is ok) will fail the achievement.

Peviously I logged out and was like W…T…Kitten?! However, I finally managed to get it last night – albeit, after 2-2.5hrs. I am currently trying to get 100% world completion. so with that progress it took me 3/4 of Fields of Ruin zone/map.

Here are my tips:

1) Chose a higher level zone/map – it will give more XP per kill etc.
2) Complete everything on that zone – Skill Points, Vistas, Points of Interest Renown Hearts, Dynamic Events.
3) If a particular map is complete – Do as many Dynamic Events as possible.
4) Farm everything in your path.
5) Kill as many mobs as possible, but, here is the trick/boost – kill mobs in places where you think there would be not much player traffic. Mobs who have spawned for ages will give bonus XP. When I was doing that map, I was getting 300-500 bonus XP per kill!
6) Try and take on stronger enemies (i.e. Veterans). These give more XP.
7) IF you do not want to stay the entire course of Renown Hearts, and I know this may sound anti-helping to co-players, just do a fraction of it. If you know the event will be successfull, you should get at least silver medal for completing it.

Hope this helps.

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Lifetime survivor stuck at 495k/500k xp

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Posted by: ecad.9085


Have you switched map? I believe the achievement wants you to earn the XP in one map w/o dying, moving maps, logging out, etc.

That’s probably why yeah. But then again the achievement should tell us this, it only says 500k xp without dying. It should tell us that we can’t log out and switch map etc…

Lifetime survivor stuck at 495k/500k xp

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Posted by: DEDEN.2870


I managed to get this achievement in World vs. World at around level 72 or so. I spent about a half hour or so flipping supply camps, killing dolyaks, and running away from the enemy zerg, and then did a bit of crafting.

Despite the experience gained from all that World vs. World, I think it was crafting that gave me the bulk of the experience I earned. It scales to your level, so if you get to the level cap and switch to a discipline that you have no training in, you can quite quickly and cheaply earn a few hundred thousand experience just using banked materials.

Lifetime survivor stuck at 495k/500k xp

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Posted by: Jason King.2647


Jason King.2647

Live Response Embed

Have you switched map? I believe the achievement wants you to earn the XP in one map w/o dying, moving maps, logging out, etc.

That’s probably why yeah. But then again the achievement should tell us this, it only says 500k xp without dying. It should tell us that we can’t log out and switch map etc…

It’s a bug that it resets when you log out/zone/etc. (^-^;)

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Lifetime survivor stuck at 495k/500k xp

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Posted by: Navi.7142


Thanks for information.

Maybe, if it is not easily to fix, you should quickly update the ingame achievement description and tell the player they have to stay in zone and it will reset if you log out.

Lifetime survivor stuck at 495k/500k xp

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Posted by: Alfador.7649


Have you switched map? I believe the achievement wants you to earn the XP in one map w/o dying, moving maps, logging out, etc.

That’s probably why yeah. But then again the achievement should tell us this, it only says 500k xp without dying. It should tell us that we can’t log out and switch map etc…

It’s a bug that it resets when you log out/zone/etc. (^-^;)

I fully understand that it’s a bug and not intended, and honestly I’d be ok if it was intended, but either way, until it’s fixed, it would be a good idea if the achievement states this to players. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve explained this to people because not everyone reads the forums every day.

Lifetime survivor stuck at 495k/500k xp

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Death Reincarnated.3570

Death Reincarnated.3570

Well, it’s been 10 days since this bug was first discussed in the forums. Not sure how hard it is to fix such a common bug…

Perhaps, more productive feedback, would assure us that something is being done about this.

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(edited by Death Reincarnated.3570)

Lifetime survivor stuck at 495k/500k xp

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Posted by: unknowable.8470


Honestly death? Is this what is most important to you in the game, an easy achievement that can be gained in an hour of play in one zone anyway?… I mean you can still get the achievement as it is now and while yes it would be nice for it to work I don’t see why this is something that needs fixing right away, they have stated that it is a known bug so -shrugs- does it matter anymore.

It doesn’t exactly give you anything special for getting the achievement.

Lifetime survivor stuck at 495k/500k xp

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Death Reincarnated.3570

Death Reincarnated.3570


U can still use a broken hammer for nailing, so theres no point in fixing it… ey?

The point is, its a bug, but just because it causes little issue to the overall gameplay, doesn’t mean it should be ignored.

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Lifetime survivor stuck at 495k/500k xp

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Posted by: unknowable.8470


My point is that it is nothing you should expect to be priorities in a week or even more given the more important things they have to look at atm… You don’t know how it is tracked, you don’t know how it is saved and you don’t know what is causing it (and chances are they don’t know what is causing either)

My point is they have acknowledged that it is a bug and needs fixing, whether it gets fixed now or in 3-6months is irrelevant while other more important bugs exist.

Lifetime survivor stuck at 495k/500k xp

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Posted by: Turial.1293


Just to give a tip to everyone aiming for this achievement; it will take 500k xp in one area which is the equivalent of 2 levels roughly, stock up on materials by the boat load and just craft to your hearts content in one sitting. The discoveries alone should net you this achievement easy as pie.

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Lifetime survivor stuck at 495k/500k xp

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Posted by: RvLeshrac.2673


My point is that it is nothing you should expect to be priorities in a week or even more given the more important things they have to look at atm… You don’t know how it is tracked, you don’t know how it is saved and you don’t know what is causing it (and chances are they don’t know what is causing either)

My point is they have acknowledged that it is a bug and needs fixing, whether it gets fixed now or in 3-6months is irrelevant while other more important bugs exist.

Game features which do not work properly should all be priorities.

Game features which have not worked properly since launch should be higher priorities.

Lifetime survivor stuck at 495k/500k xp

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Posted by: Dragoon.5647


I’m still kind of confused for this achieve, I assumed it was like the similarly named title from GW1 where you could not die on that character at all. But from the wording in this topic I could go to any zone and without logging out, teleporting to a different area or dying, earn 500k exp from my last death and get this achieve, despite what “/deaths” shows me? Or does even one death on that character prevent completion?

(edited by Dragoon.5647)

Lifetime survivor stuck at 495k/500k xp

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Posted by: PanzerG.3270


Similarly mine is stuck at 193/200K in the first tier. Deathcount is zero, but the xp bar doesn’t move, even if I do a crafting binge in one session/zone.

I am no programer, but it can’t be that difficult to fix…

Simply install smthg like:
if deathcount = zero than transfer total character exp to liftetime survivor exp.

(edited by PanzerG.3270)

Lifetime survivor stuck at 495k/500k xp

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Posted by: Andromeda the Swift.1628

Andromeda the Swift.1628

I have the same problem, my counter stopped when i switched to another toon to help my guildie out in a PvP battle.. ( so my other toon died there a few times). Switched back to pick up where i left off with my survivor-to-be and the counter stopped moving. Same login session…different toons seems to “trigger” the “bug”( which i really hope this is)
I really really hope it doesn’t just start over…it took me over 2 weeks to get where i am now.

Isn’t the point that this achievement just shows the total experience earned without death on one toon in particular ? Or is there some really complicated way to get this… i’m just a simple veteran amateur gamer so please explain this if you will AN plz


Lifetime survivor stuck at 495k/500k xp

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Posted by: Katz.5143


I’ll never get this until they fix the bug. I keep forgetting I can’t zone or log off.

It’s a kitten conspiracy. Kittens gonna be kittens. All is vain!

Lifetime survivor stuck at 495k/500k xp

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Fraggle.1236


Well, it’s been 10 days since this bug was first discussed in the forums. Not sure how hard it is to fix such a common bug…

Lol, this was reported at launch, and as far as I know this is the first time a dev has actually said it’s a bug. It’s been a lot longer than 10 days….but then considering the other bugs from launch that still aren’t fixed, I think this one’s small fry. It’s better than it was though, this bug was initially reported about the Monthly Survivor track at launch, but the Lifetime Survivor track didn’t used to work at all. I was most surprised when I got the 200k milestone this afternoon, as I’d written it off! :-)

I have the same problem, my counter stopped when i switched to another toon to help my guildie out in a PvP battle.. ( so my other toon died there a few times). Switched back to pick up where i left off with my survivor-to-be and the counter stopped moving. Same login session…different toons seems to “trigger” the “bug”…

Isn’t the point that this achievement just shows the total experience earned without death on one toon in particular ?

Now there’s a question. The thing is, all achievements are account-based rather than character-based, so it depends on what interpretation you put on the rule (well, assuming it’s not bugged!!). One way of looking at it is that you the player have to achieve 500k XP regardless of character switches (so you could get 100k each on 5 different characters as long as none of them die in the process), rather than measuring each characters current ‘surviving’ XP and using the highest. As it is, the bug means that no-one’s completely sure what the rules actually are.

Lifetime survivor stuck at 495k/500k xp

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Donari.5237


Just to give a tip to everyone aiming for this achievement; it will take 500k xp in one area which is the equivalent of 2 levels roughly, stock up on materials by the boat load and just craft to your hearts content in one sitting. The discoveries alone should net you this achievement easy as pie.

That’s utterly true! I just wanted a new necklace for my Guardian yesterday. She was at 230 JC or so, and I had a zillion ores and gems stocked from all my alts leveling.

I got caught up in crafting, got her to 389 JC, as well as about 5 levels of experience, and suddenly boom, Lifetime Survivor popped up.

Lifetime survivor stuck at 495k/500k xp

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Posted by: Norecha.4362


I got this achievement today while leveling from 73 to 80 in LA by just crafting. Didn’t even know about it till it popped up. Also I’m pretty sure I moved to other zones to get karma foods once in a while but apparently I was lucky to use trading post only for a 500k xp period

Lifetime survivor stuck at 495k/500k xp

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Posted by: Bazooka.3590


All of my characters have 13800xp in the lifetime survivor tile bar independently of their levels or nuber of deaths.
I have a lvl 24 character with 0 deaths and 13800xp in the survivor bar. That means i can never achieve the title??

Lifetime survivor stuck at 495k/500k xp

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Posted by: Bazooka.3590


Now my character is level 41 with 0 death and i have more than 542,559 XP according to this page
So im a lifetime survivor but i have not achivment and my bar shows 47,555 XP.
It seems to me the lifetime survivor bar increases with approx 10,000 XP after each 100,000 XP i earned.
I gathered around 90k xp in one level without rezone or logout so my achivment bar don’t shows my highest amount of XP obtained in one level.
I hope it helps and i hope you can fix this bug soon. Thanks.