Lightening Pull Bug

Lightening Pull Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Obsidian angel.9863

Obsidian angel.9863

Is anybody else experiencing a problem with Lightening pull? I’m trying to reach a platform and everytime i ground target the area i want to land i end up flying and continuing to roll way past where i actually selected. Unlike the “2” Skill you can’t cancel the skill where you like in order to land.

Is this a bug or just me?

Lightening Pull Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ryuujin.8236


No you’re absolutely right and I tested this extensively with another player. We were both asura, similar scale – both mesmers.

The only difference between us is I experience relatively high latency, and playing from Europe on Tarnished Coast (NA), whereas this other player helping me test was playing from US and had relatively low latency.

Whenever he used lightning pull – targeted, or automated, he always landed on the platform. Under the exact same conditions, clicking in the exact same place I would always overshoot the platform by several metres. This is reproducable enough that some of the lightning pull JP’s are physically impossible for me since there is no way for me to click “in front” the platform to compensate for the overshoot and it overshoots too far for me to “pull back” after the jump and hit the platform in most cases.

I’m 99% sure this is due to client-side latency, and needs to be addressed urgently or the JP won’t be finishable for some of us

The Ashwalker – Ranger
Garnished Toast

Lightening Pull Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: AutoBalanced.7418


Getting the same issue. I’m in Australia so it’s most like the High Ping throwing me over the platform. Makes the achievement impossible as if you’re within range it just auto jumps and you can’t compensate to aim.

Lightening Pull Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: HAZEtech.8791


same for me.. hope they fix this or else im not gonna even bother with these achievements.. overshooting and running back over and over again isn’t fun…