Lightning Pull

Lightning Pull

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Silvaren.5186


Lightning Pull

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: shadow.6174


Yes and this describes the same effects I have got with that skills…

  • #1 (wind): I klick the skill, and then nothing happens for a while. When the animation for the jump kicks in, it is way too late for me to react and try to steer/direct the jump. On my client I’m in the air, on the server I’m already dead. I haven’t been able to make a single successful jump, so I can’t even get to the upper part of the map.
  • #2 (sun): This skill works – I can warp my character through the waterfalls. At the end of the animation, my character jerks back and forth for about a meter 1-3 times, as if client and server can’t make up their mind about which location my character is in. This is not a problem on the bridges, but it is on bamboo sticks. Like with he #1 skill, when I see the animation it is too late for me to react, so I cannot make any of the intricate movemens that require any form of control like adjusting direction or stopping early.
  • #3 (lightning): This is the worst offender. I think I recall Leif calling this “precise jumping”. However, out of all the ground-targeted jumps I made last night, I managed to land on a platform exactly once. The other 40-50 times I either overjumped it, or did a funny spin in the air for several seconds and then plummeted to death a way before the platform. Now I’m pretty sure that that isn’t what ground targeting is supposed to work like. For me, the jump is a completely random one.

Different of that original poster I have been able to use it properly at times (my failure rate was lower than what post above says) but yes I keep experiencing these issues. Even when using lightning with those “statues” that makes it not require a target the issue happen. At a moment I approached it and then I hit the skill, I was tossed too far that I jumped over the whole following platform (just to note that it was a house’s roof, like those near Lightning Adept NPC, so a large platform) and fell off to death at the other side.

Lightning Pull

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

I’m not experiencing any issues with any of the skills.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Lightning Pull

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Silvaren.5186


I’m not experiencing any issues with any of the skills.

I’m sure that for the vast majority of EU players playing on EU servers and NA players playing on NA servers this is a complete non-issue and they would be baffled as to what is even referred to here. That’s why I’ve searched and linked posts which, in detail, outline the conditions during which this issue occurs (you didn’t read those, did you?).

I can confirm that ground-targeted and tethered lightning pulls miss (for me) about 90% of the time. My understanding is this is due to a combination of latency and client-side estimation of position, as a result the game puts the character off the platform at the completion of the jump.

Lightning Pull

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


Having the exact issues as described by Pixelpumpkin. Supposedly I’m on Aurora Glade, but who knows nowadays with the Mega-Lag-Servers.

Recently returned to…
Aurora Glade some random MegaServer™, always being asked to volunteer for that buff…
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Lightning Pull

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sobat.8650


I find that the accuracy of the lightning jump increases if you combine it with the assisted leap.