Lightning assault break bar bug

Lightning assault break bar bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Criminal.5627


The juvenile electric wyvern has a bug with the active skill (F2) lightning assault where under some seemingly random circumstances the launch from this skill will only affect the breakbar of npc foes only about 50% of the time. Other times lightning assault’s launch has no affect on break bars, nothing has been changed between times where it works and times where it doesn’t making it completely random as to whether or not there will be any effect from it. This happens even on the same foe during extended fights.

As this is not a consistent happening can this be fixed or can it be explained why the launch from this skill will only affect break bars some times and not every time?

Hopefully can this be fixed to working every time as rangers really don’t have many active abilities like other professions do that can cause breakbars to drop, with the majority of those abilities already tied into pet active skills that are mostly on 30second + cooldowns and lighting assault being a 24 second cooldown making it relatively one of the quickest available skills to impact break bars when it works.

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.