Line of Sight Bug

Line of Sight Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nuked.2360


When you leave Super Adventure Box after a boss fight if you leave before it teleports you from the boss zone your camera remains zoomed out. It’s similar to the bug that happened with the Mad King dungeon where your camera was extremely zoomed out. This normally wouldn’t be a problem but in the past few hours in WvW we’ve had inner keep siege wiped not from any siege just people able to AoE inside a doorway onto steps. Example the bridge to hills lords room we lost two arrow carts and catapults due to AoE from players hitting this (while the gates were intact). I didn’t take a screenshot but this is a bug that is actively being used and has cost us a Tier 3 keep and full supply and lots of people’s hard work was put to waste because siege was pretty much useless and without siege you can’t stop a map que from taking something if you don’t have the same size group.

Please address this issue asap as it is becoming worse.

Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader

Line of Sight Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Doctor Feelgood.3214

Doctor Feelgood.3214

The carnage only goes on…we are at 400 PPT for the SoR abusing it and less than 100 for the Blackgate who are hemorrhaging objectives because they cannot defend without siege against a full map zerg. This is complete BS and invalidates the intended playstyle of WvW. Arenanet please fix this NOW.

Line of Sight Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rawnoodles.1398


Yeah kinda BS. Saw this allot today and im quite disappointed that this exploit is still unfixed.

Rawnoodles | Mini Noodles
[ESOL] -Elite Solidarity| Driver|
" Latest Video "

Line of Sight Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


Really disappointed in anyone actively trying to use it. Very unsportsmanlike.

Maybe they all built that new space laser cannon blueprint so they can orbital strike your assets?

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

Line of Sight Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nuked.2360


Really disappointed in anyone actively trying to use it. Very unsportsmanlike.

Maybe they all built that new space laser cannon blueprint so they can orbital strike your assets?

Not sure if the last part is trolling I just know I saw it rampant from some guilds on SoR we know to have used this sort of thing in the past. So far I have yet to see any server using it and I really hope it doesn’t happen but it is painful to lose hours of work to a bug abuse which is termed an exploit.

Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader

Line of Sight Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: esperai.1068


You would think that people would learn their lesson when it comes to exploiting WvW…the server doing it has not come out on top as #1 server at any point, despite all these various exploits, hacks and unsportsmanly behaviors. If you can’t win legitimately and you can’t win by playing dirty, doesn’t that give you a clue by four?

Kada – Strike Force [SF]

Line of Sight Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ardon.4105


I’ve seen it a couple times from both servers, often hearing in teamspeak “How the hell is this AOE here?” And I’m sure you could find someone from blackgate doing it too if you looked. It’s unfortunate, but there’s not much you can do to stop it, except hope it gets fixed.

It’s hard enough to find these people, but stopping them from using their skills, or an arrow cart they’re already on, isn’t really feasible.

[Agg] Rendon Argos (Charrgos) – Guardian
Server Traversing Nomad

Line of Sight Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: digiowl.9620


Sadly it seems that ANet do not bother with LOS checks because projectile attacks can interact with terrain. As such they seem to think that if the player can’t see it, they can’t attack it.

This causes all kinds of secondary issues like engineer turrets blasting terrain because it “sees” a nearby mob on the other side of it, ignoring the clearly visible mob further away.

Or how they recently had to put a LOS check on necromancer epidemic, likely because people were using targets as typhoid Mary by loading them down with conditions, and only hitting them with epidemic once they had retreated out of view and likely into a group of friendlies.