Lion's Arch from Gendarran Fields bugged for me

Lion's Arch from Gendarran Fields bugged for me

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Talgen.2716


For 2 days now I cant seem to get into Lion’s Arch from Gendarran fields. The first time (2 days ago) it check saying ‘cannot connect to login server’ so I gave up. I didnt play yesterday, but when I logged in today, my character was rolled back by about 20 mins or so from where I was. (I know this because I had to do the skill challenge over that I had already done, and hadn’t leveled yet, like I had already done).

So I figure, hey, must have fixed it, so this time I walk down to the portal instead of porting, and now I’m stuck at the loading screen for Lion’s Arch for 5 mins then the message “Game Client lost connection to server” – doesn’t/hasn’t happened anywhere else.

Lion's Arch from Gendarran Fields bugged for me

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Talgen.2716


I should also add that the reason I’m going to Lion’s Arch is for my level 30 personal story mission/quest.

Lion's Arch from Gendarran Fields bugged for me

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Swarozyc.8796


Seems like similar problem to mine stated in this thread
Im wondering do you have the same exact error code?

Circle of Nine [CoN]
Seafarer’s Rest EU

(edited by Swarozyc.8796)

Lion's Arch from Gendarran Fields bugged for me

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tatty.9680


Yeh my characters seem to get “stuck” when loading into lion’s arch. If I change to another character then I can instantly load into lions arch. The original character waits about 10 minutes or so and then crashes saying the exact error you are getting. I just assume it’s because too many people are in at the time of loading but yeh this is probably a bug.

Fear The Chickens –

Lion's Arch from Gendarran Fields bugged for me

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Swarozyc.8796


Well my characters are stuck indefinetly- I cant log at any of them (ones in Lions Arch) unless my friend move them out of the zone/city.

Circle of Nine [CoN]
Seafarer’s Rest EU

Lion's Arch from Gendarran Fields bugged for me

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Alex.8103


My certain characters got crash locked.
I can’t provide more details because I can’t even login.