List of horribly annoying skill bugs

List of horribly annoying skill bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

-GS : Rush – goes past target unless activated in close-range
-GS : Rush – runs in place if used against a large target unless used underneath the target
-Sword : Savage leap – leaps past target unless activated in close-range
-Sword: Savage leap – gets obstructed mid-air sometimes mid-jump or towards end of the jump and ends up going either side-ways or turning completely around, doing a full 180.
-Sword: Impale – can get obstructed if used on a moving target even if there are no objects nearby and the ground is flat.
-Sword: Riposte – stubborn activation if used after dodge-rolling. Sometimes it will take a second keypress (or being clicked on) if casted while moving. Problem does not persist if standing still and is definitely caused by trying to activate it right after a dodgeroll.
-Utility: Bull’s charge – charges way past enemies unless used close-range (basically need to stand right in front of target)
-Axe: Eviscarate (and potentially all burst skills) – since the 9/9 feature patch, adrenaline is drained before the skill connects. This results in not having the damage modifier from Berserker’s Power when using our burst skills.

-Fiery Greatsword: Fiery Rush – did not receive the damage increased as was promised in the 9/9 feature patch.
-Staff: Burning Retreat (Fire #4) – frequently rubberbands/teleports back and forth after casting
-Staff: Burning Retreat (Fire #4) – have had it occasionally freeze my character after casting; unable to use any skills dodge, or move until downed.
-Staff: Burning Retreat (Fire #4) – in rare circumstances, it can perform the animation but without actually moving backwards.

List of horribly annoying skill bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Oh I’ll add to this

Necromancer Flesh Golem…

Charge: often the golem gets stuck on the spot and doesnt move thus wasting the skill
Ai Fail: Golem randomly looses all form of AI and stands around doing nothing which happens a lot to me

Would it be too much to ask that Necro Minions get some kind of pet system like the Ranger?
where you can order them to attack, retreat, turn them idle to avoid aggro etc?
or at the very least just the Golem have something like this?

List of horribly annoying skill bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: X T D.6458

X T D.6458

rush…dear god, will it ever be fixed
and yea savage leap killed me in eotm last night, used it on a bridge…got that sideways leap bug like rockets boots does. and dropped me off the bridge…
should note that savage leap bugs out a lot like rocket boots, sometimes going sideways midleap, or going backwards midleap…

I say what needs to be said, get used to it.
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List of horribly annoying skill bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Yes X T D.6458, I included that in my OP.

List of horribly annoying skill bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ofLegends.9853


How about the auto attack randomly stopping against the same enemy?

— Former engi main | Bring back my Power Rifle Grenadier!

List of horribly annoying skill bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I don’t know of that bug that you speak of. All I can think of off the top of my head is that after the 2nd hit in warrior GS’s autoattack chain it delays any skill used afterwards significantly, and that it’s annoying to try to stop elementalist staff’s autoattacks as they typically will throw an extra attack or two even after unselecting target.

List of horribly annoying skill bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Oh one more good one lol

targetting system… this has been a bane on this game since launch
the game does a horrible job at selecting a target for you

I can be getting gankked by 6 enemies at close range and I hit my standard skill 1 attack and what happens

auto targets a moa bird or skale way off in the distance.. ignores the enemies currently giving me a facelift with hammers entirely..

target nearest enemy hotkey helps get around this somewhat but even with that this problem gets me killed sometimes..

List of horribly annoying skill bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: jdlawhorn.8061


I’m actually experiencing Elementalist Staff bugs 1 and 2 with Burning Retreat as well (more bug 1 than 2). The rubber-banding causes the fire field left by the spell to be about half the length that it should be.

I also experience the same with Ride the Lightning (Air Dagger 4) in terms of the rubber-banding. It’s also causing me not to hit my target, according to the skill (as it goes on cooldown with the longer of the two cooldowns).

As far as bug 2 is concerned, I get the same with Burning Retreat, Ride the Lightning, Lightning Flash, and Blink (Mesmer utility). When this happens, I’m able to resume moving by stopping holding my W key (forward) and then pressing again*. This isn’t optimal for things like PvP, but it works out well enough for the issue in PvE where mob AI don’t exploit your inability to move.

It seems that even after all this time, these issues haven’t been fixed.

Hoping that these issues are being worked on and will be fixed in the future.

*I actually experienced the EXACT bug that was mentioned today. My quick fix doesn’t actually work for that bug. I did find out that using Burning Retreat again would break me out if it.

Edit: updating on some of the issues.

[VG] – Jade Quarry
Damien Shadowweave (Human Mesmer [main]), Damien Woodstrider (Human Ranger),
Izaak Bezaleel (Human Elementalist), Bruadhar (Sylvari Mesmer), Vyndaen (Sylvari Elementalist)

(edited by jdlawhorn.8061)

List of horribly annoying skill bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Arkvan.3561


-GS : Rush – goes past target unless activated in close-range
-GS : Rush – runs in place if used against a large target unless used underneath the target
-Sword : Savage leap – leaps past target unless activated in close-range
-Sword: Savage leap – gets obstructed mid-air sometimes mid-jump or towards end of the jump and ends up going either side-ways or turning completely around, doing a full 180.
-Sword: Impale – can get obstructed if used on a moving target even if there are no objects nearby and the ground is flat.
-Sword: Riposte – stubborn activation if used after dodge-rolling. Sometimes it will take a second keypress (or being clicked on) if casted while moving. Problem does not persist if standing still and is definitely caused by trying to activate it right after a dodgeroll.
-Utility: Bull’s charge – charges way past enemies unless used close-range (basically need to stand right in front of target)

GS: Rush – seems fixed at the moment. It works against world bosses and the likes now, too.
Sword: Savage Leap – seems to suffer from the bugs as it is. I know for sure the obstruction bug is still around.
Utility: Bull’s Charge – seems to work. I think. Will check.


No one hears you.

List of horribly annoying skill bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: shadow.6174


Oh one more good one lol

targetting system… this has been a bane on this game since launch
the game does a horrible job at selecting a target for you

I can be getting gankked by 6 enemies at close range and I hit my standard skill 1 attack and what happens

auto targets a moa bird or skale way off in the distance.. ignores the enemies currently giving me a facelift with hammers entirely..

target nearest enemy hotkey helps get around this somewhat but even with that this problem gets me killed sometimes..

Oh yeah, I know right? Poor moas… by the way, there is a long thread about it that has been somewhat dead: and some of the issues mentioned here can be related to those targeting issues.