(edited by WingedVictory.9013)
Living Story Skins
should have unlocked in the wardrobe. might take a few logins to do so. if you transmuted them too much tho you may have overwritten the items, but even transmuted items should give you the A)Base Item, and the new look of the item as you Transmuted it.
— Necrid — Ehmry Bay — [TML]/[oG] — Charrdian Main — All Classes
— [Twitch] twitch.tv/necrid2705 — [GW-EN] gw-en.com “Necrid and Chill”
— [Twitch] twitch.tv/necrid2705 — [GW-EN] gw-en.com “Necrid and Chill”
Hope so lol I’m patient but I was just bringing it up early on if it was indeed a bug xD
I had Scarlet’s mask from the last LS. used it one a helm but accidentally destroyed it.
however it’s not in my wardrobe now.
is this intended, or a bug?