Loot Bags very, very hard to see...

Loot Bags very, very hard to see...

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Posted by: lynspottery.6529


I only noticed the little loot bags when I happen to run over one and the “search” popped up. I have no idea how many I actually missed before hand as I was not looking for them.

I was pretty disappointed that none of the bodies I “looted” actually gave me anything. If I was to pick up those little loot bags after defeating my adversaries, they need to be more visible.

Loot Bags very, very hard to see...

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Posted by: Doomguard.5094


Are you talking about wvw? Cause in wvw player’s don’t drop loot where they fall, instead the loot is automatically teleported to where you are when they die, otherwise it wouldn’t be practical to go loot enemies when you are defending a castle from the walls. You just need to hit the loot key as soon as you see exp pop up on your screen.

Loot Bags very, very hard to see...

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Posted by: Paradox.5498


Are you talking about wvw? Cause in wvw player’s don’t drop loot where they fall, instead the loot is automatically teleported to where you are when they die, otherwise it wouldn’t be practical to go loot enemies when you are defending a castle from the walls. You just need to hit the loot key as soon as you see exp pop up on your screen.

Same seems to happen in the open world now. At least on the Karka island. Got several loot bags last night after the patch went live. Not too fond of them because they’re indeed hard to see sometimes.

Loot Bags very, very hard to see...

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Posted by: Necrid.2705


Loot Bags and Wooden Chests are both hard to see. There should be a beam of light that signifies that important loot has dropped. Not a chest/bag that blends in with everything around it. Better Yet, AUTOLOOT (I mean real Autoloot. Like, you kill mob, mobs stuff jumps into your inventory.) An easy fix will be having the Bag o Loot / Type-X Chest text permanent visible so it’s visually distinguishable through all the combat/corpses.

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Loot Bags very, very hard to see...

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Posted by: Evilek.5690


I only noticed the little loot bags when I happen to run over one and the “search” popped up. I have no idea how many I actually missed before hand as I was not looking for them.

I was pretty disappointed that none of the bodies I “looted” actually gave me anything. If I was to pick up those little loot bags after defeating my adversaries, they need to be more visible.

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Evilek lvl 80 Charr Thief Why no ?
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Loot Bags very, very hard to see...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: AeroJavi.1687


Loot Bags and Wooden Chests are both hard to see. There should be a beam of light that signifies that important loot has dropped. Not a chest/bag that blends in with everything around it. Better Yet, AUTOLOOT (I mean real Autoloot. Like, you kill mob, mobs stuff jumps into your inventory.) An easy fix will be having the Bag o Loot / Type-X Chest text permanent visible so it’s visually distinguishable through all the combat/corpses.

This has been pointed out a LOT. But hey, new items in gemstore!

Loot Bags very, very hard to see...

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Posted by: lynspottery.6529


These little loot bags I am talking about were only in the Southsun area. And no, I was not connecting them to the little chests which Anet has conveniently changed to pop up on the bottom right of our screens now whenever we get one.

I had no idea there were little loot bags before my encounter during this most recent Southsun event started. Since finding this out, yes I have been using my ctrl key (thank you very much) as I usually do for other things I know are hard to see without that option.

But my point is, not being aware of them ahead of time was a bit disconcerting once I noticed them. The WvWvW loot bags are not hard to see, they drop at your feet and you can use your [F] key as part of your talent rotation just to make sure you don’t miss any.

I do wish when new things of this nature are added to the game, we are actually given a “heads-up” regarding something like this. Before Anet changed those little chests to pop up in our screen I missed several that I know about because a guildie happened to be with me and noticed it after the body disappeared that was hiding it from view.

(edited by lynspottery.6529)

Loot Bags very, very hard to see...

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Posted by: JayMack.8295


They didn’t give a heads up because they’ve always been there. They appear when an enemy’s body disappears and you haven’t looted it yet. The reason you’re seeing them more often in Southsun Cove is because the settlers that don’t die (but instead go neutral when their health drops) drop loot.

As for them being more visible: sure.

(edited by JayMack.8295)

Loot Bags very, very hard to see...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Halcyon.7352


I only noticed the little loot bags when I happen to run over one and the “search” popped up. I have no idea how many I actually missed before hand as I was not looking for them.

I was pretty disappointed that none of the bodies I “looted” actually gave me anything. If I was to pick up those little loot bags after defeating my adversaries, they need to be more visible.

Push left CTRL

I wish you a nice day

Tarnished Coast Engineer and… general alt-o-holic.

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