Losing Targets

Losing Targets

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Posted by: Honeydookie.6179


After selecting a target my character will often switch to other random targets in the area or will deselect the target completely while attacking. This has been happening for a few days now not only for myself but guild mates as well.

Losing Targets

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Posted by: Drunken Mad King.8193

Drunken Mad King.8193

yes this has been happening to me as well. It’s frustrating at times as it will sometimes pull extra mobs to me. Or I can even be just shooting the air instead of the mob I am fighting. Happens on long fights frequently it will sometimes move off the mob and target one behind the mob.

Losing Targets

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Posted by: JK Arrow.7102

JK Arrow.7102

It’s been happening to me more frequently as of late. And often times it swaps targets to a friendly.

Losing Targets

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Posted by: Stormbringer.8796


It was here from the release (at least for me), but now is much more worse than ever. Every fight is a struggle to maintain the target. Sometimes i wonder why I (aka GW2) want to kill a teammate instead of a mob

Losing Targets

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Posted by: curtegg.5216


I’ve seen this as well.

Losing Targets

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Posted by: Blude.6812


Yes, it happens all the time—and it seems to be getting worse. I target and then say WTF as my pet and arrows attack something else.

Losing Targets

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Posted by: Cacti Eleven.9135

Cacti Eleven.9135

Yep, happens to me as well, and it almost always targets an ally so I completely stop attacking. It’s frustrating, but nothing that a click of the mouse or the tab button (for me) won’t fix.

Losing Targets

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Posted by: Seraki.2753


Yup the targeting system has a lot of issues and has from beta. Some players try to say its similar to Tera and their targeting system but its only similar in that you can waste your cool downs on thin air as you don’t need a target to use abilities. Auto target often picks things not even close to your last target or even targets that are way out of range and then there is the auto fire or channeled ability issue where you get to run around like a fool unable to stop firing. At some point the shiny new will ware off and this will become a popular joke.

Now if some people are using macros for multi purpose on single keystroke they might overcome this with tab and then an attack, but they are not supposed to be doing that. Otherwise I suppose a fancy mouse or keypad with very close buttons configured to help with target selection, or long fingers and nice dexterity, but I would hate to think leaving targeting issues using ordinary mouse and keyboard would be ignored.

/shrug Maybe its a dps throttler by trying to get people to use up seconds on the tab key. I don’t know but it makes the combat system feel clunky rather than smooth and responsive. I will hope that fixes are in the works though , its still very early.

Losing Targets

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Posted by: Hostile.4925


This is probably one of my biggest pet peeves with this game. ArenaNet did a LOT of stuff right but the targeting system is so, so, so bad…

Losing Targets

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Posted by: PaperJax.1954


I have also been having this issue, I think that adding an option for Sticky Targeting would probably sort it out for the most part.

Elementary, my dear Holmes, you drink tea, while I drink Red Bull.

Losing Targets

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Posted by: Tigress Dragonblade.3296

Tigress Dragonblade.3296

This happens to me all the time and most of the time I don’t know why, although lately I’ve discovered moving the camera so that the target I’ve selected is off screen causes it to be de-selected.

Losing Targets

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Posted by: Jink Bonestealer.9274

Jink Bonestealer.9274

I’ve stopped using the auto-targeting, but I still have my target switching randomly to a friendly. It drives me crazy.

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Losing Targets

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Posted by: Haishao.6851


There’s an option in F11 to lock target. I think it’s named auto promote target or something. It prevent the game from automatically changing target when you have one selected.

Losing Targets

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Posted by: Novos Phantos.2408

Novos Phantos.2408

I have been having this issue too. As well it seems as thought the window in front of you is really narrow for tab targeting, meaning instead of it targeting the enemy right beside you it targets the enemy out of range directly in front of you. obviously this is annoying and I remember in beta there were issues going the other way where it was targeting really strange enemies (enemies way behind or not even on screen), I think this was just a little over corrected.

Losing Targets

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Posted by: Tyr.2489


Same as most of you. I will select a target and randomly it will drop the target. I notice it more when I’m running DE’s in the cursed shore but it may have nothing to do with that. Can’t explain just how frustrating it is to be fighting something and have the target drop as I am using Leap of Faith. Naturally there is usually a cliff for me to fly off of to my death or something.

Losing Targets

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Posted by: Drunken Mad King.8193

Drunken Mad King.8193

Was fighting a mob yesterday and was fighting a charr and went to do a leap attack and I auto targetted a lava fount (it switched off the target not me) and then I was trapped in a lava fount unable to move and just melted…. good times.

Really loving this random detarget pick up new target system that has come into play. Happens with range or with melee. Seems to pick up random mobs and especially not the ones close to me. Tabbing takes forever to pick up the one that is actually next to me pounding on me.

I wish tab targetting prioritized the targets first to the mobs that are actually targetting you.

Losing Targets

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Posted by: Xenon.4537


I had hoped this issue was fixed in a recent patch where the notes said something about fixing a “bug which would clear targets incorrectly with mouse left click” or some such. But alas, it is not fixed. I get extremely frustrated when fighting Jormag’s claw because for no apparent reason, I will untarget his head multiple times during the fight and it’s a pain in the kitten to re-target because I have to re-angle my camera in such a way that makes his head clearly visible in the middle of my screen without the name plate or the hundred other players blocking my click, all while dealing with 8 FPS because my cpu is simply not good enough by Anet standards.