Lost 4 keys due to chest not opening.
Use the keys, not the chests
You sure you didn’t just lag at that moment, you relogged and checked to see if your keys came back or 4 chests are unlocked?
Mightylink – Norn Necromancer
Mythiclink – Asura Engineer
Mythiclink – Asura Engineer
I restarted the game and everything no keys still locked chests
Anyone got any ideas?
This is interesting!
I thought, I did something wrong yesterday, but maybe there ist a bug in some way …?!
I had two keys yesterday evening, but after the first use, no open chest appeared… but one key was gone.
I was looking everywhere… nothing. I klicked the second key, and an open chest was there instantly. So the first key just didn’t worked, it was gone.
That sucks hopefully it will be fixed soon