Lost Coin in Uplands bugged
try a different map?
relogged couple of times in 1-2 hours spawn, didnt got different IP
p.s. just logged back in after 6 hours, still the same IP
taxi on different groups.
seems it’s bugged on every map
I’ve gotten a couple different Dry Top maps and each has this coin floating in the same unreachable spot.
I have the same bug!! >:I annnd i cant finish my achievement for upland coin collector- please fix this asap, ive seen other forums with the same topic theres a bugged coin! As Fallen angel as attached a photo that is the same coin i cannot reach. it is not on the ground but high within the rock. there is no possible way to get the coin, including useing the air element to jump to it.
Website above is for an alternate forum. Please fix asap
I am collecting the coins as well and this coin is bugged for me as well. I think a sandstorm may have been a bit to harsh on it!
- Piken Square, [REN][DKAL]
I have the same issue, with the same coin. It is indeed unreachable, as the previous posters have said. Air jump doesn’t let you pick it up either, as has been mentioned above.
Please fix this, tyvm.
this is the last coin i’m missing so i searched if it has been reported yet and found this.
please fix
Submitted a bug report about this in-game about three days ago, and was just coming to start a thread here about this very issue.
Just adding my voice to those who would like to see a fix for this.
Please and thank you ^.^
I am also stuck with this coin as well. Would appreciate a fix! Thanks guys!
Yeah, still bugged, and it blocks getting the achievement. You can glitch inside the rock, and some have had success as the wall from the inside is slanted – although I couldn’t manage it myself. Bit spastic with jumping and stuff lol. It’s supposed to be on the ledge, on the ground.
Can you guys please fix this!
Update: GOT IT! (just got it in fact lol). Glitching inside the rock is a short term fix, that does work – but this really needs fixing properly!
same, i submitted an ingame bug report today, but obviously that was pointless as i’ve just found this thread from a week and a half ago, there’s probs other threads on same thing. still can’t reach the coin. It’s suppose to be on the ground below there but is glitched high up on the wall with no ledge and no air jump as it takes 1/2 second to click, its not a insta click.
Yo, Ho, thieves and beggars, never shall we die
mid air, no ledge, can’t click, can’t progress. I also switched server and logged a bunch of times. Same thing.
Yo, Ho, thieves and beggars, never shall we die
Update: GOT IT! (just got it in fact lol). Glitching inside the rock is a short term fix, that does work – but this really needs fixing properly!
how did you do it please ?
I have the same problem and also 10 other people who in the same map today also said they couldn’t reach it either.
It would be nice if they at least say after its fixed….
Update: GOT IT! (just got it in fact lol). Glitching inside the rock is a short term fix, that does work – but this really needs fixing properly!
Thanks for sharing how you managed to get the coin…NOT!
I’ve been catching up on my Dry Top achievements and I run into this. ARRRGH!
Hopefully it will get fixed with the release of the next story episode tomorrow.
Wow… after messing up the client with random crashes, they at least seem to have fixed the issue with the coin… was just able to get it…